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Does inter-guild drama really belong on forums? There's plenty of people I wouldn't like to work with but that doesn't mean I go around posting this just to rile things up.


nah not normally, but was the final straw to show a certain person that this issue is serious, esspecially since we tried to move on and work towards a better guild to guild atmosphere.


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Does inter-guild drama really belong on forums? There's plenty of people I wouldn't like to work with but that doesn't mean I go around posting this just to rile things up.


nah not normally, but was the final straw to show a certain person that this issue is serious, esspecially since we tried to move on and work towards a better guild to guild atmosphere.


Well then excuse me while I make three posts about people I don't like on yellow. It's a vicious cycle and not one that should be continued.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

Really sad to read that. Tho I would like you to particularly consider the following sentence wrote by thor : " trashtalk is a part of the guilds charm " . This is a sad true fact which I already noticied a while ago when I was on another videogame where there was guilds event and all, but at an even bigger level than the one we today know on PRO. Back to that time, exactly like you I was guild leader aswell, like you from one of the best guild of the game, that to say we was subject to trashtalks and other jealousy from the other guilds/players , exactly like reborn/chronos or blaze can be on PRO, but hey, that's the price for being famous afterall.


Imo the best way to deal with this situation is to not take into consideration the other private guild discord talks, and even consider thoses like if they doesnt even exist . Another comon point I have with you is that I also was taking thoses things to much personally and I always wantd to defend my players etc, I believe its also one of the reason why you are taking the trashtalks so seriously, which is all at your honor by the way.


The thing's, ( and as I just explained I experienced it myself ) you'll never get over that if you refuse to close your eyes on some discord and Private guild talk that could be bring to you , and to make the part of the things , the part of what concern you, and what doesnt and shouldnt for your own benefit ( such as other private guilds discord )

On the same topic I also can think at thoses people who pretends being good persons who will screenshots everything to you, and act like if they cant handle such a bad attitude when their only purpose is to enjoy their pop corn and a drama between two guilds . They wont hesitate to take the screenshots out of their context just to make sure you'll have the reaction they expect.

As I said I was like you about that, but I understood with the time and the experience that it was just the price of being famous, and the jealousy from some people . What I mean's one day or the other, every guild will be trashtalked in their own private discord, for different reason, someone from a guild will be unmanner in PvP or try to scam in trade someone from your guild or anything like that, and there's a chance to have this person critic the guild and not the person for that, but its just on the moment, on a private discord , where this person doesnt wantd to Offend you, but just state his feeling with his words , with his guild mates .


I Can bet with you the money you want that if you take One random person who will join one after the other chronos blaze and reborn private discord for 1 month of time, that there will be 100% of chance to have at least 1-2 time in that month at least one people from thoses guild who will have bad words toward the other guilds, and then that can just lead in the other guildies to argue about it for a bit, and talking about their own bad experience with the other guilds aswell. If that one random person I talk about take the screenshots, it will be taken out of the context , and will hurt the other guilds exactly like you're hurt today .

Of course if its every days, every minuts that there are trashtalk on your guild , that's another story, its not an isolated case but a real problem . But sometimes you should have a filter and try to distinguish when its worth to consider what have been said, and more than all where it has been said, and when you should close your eyes and tell yourself " afterall that's noone of my buisness its their private discord where i'm not in " , only if it become recurrent , something of everydays then you can react and try to understand what's going on.


Afterall, the humans are doing that in the real life aswell and that even happens between friends and family, so why it would be different on a videogame ?


Also , you have a good solution when you ask to change the contact from blaze for the event, and also to retiere yourself from it if its asked from blaze ( which is actually a fair and mature answer to your problem ) but then I dont understand why you want to cancel the PvP event, blaze just need to send another Orga and you can let the event going the same way it was planned.

You've more to lose than to win by doing that, ik many people was hyped for this event, do you rly think its worth to cancel it just because of one person who stated something on his private discord ? Your project was looking more solid than that when you announced it, you might regret your choice later , just because of one people / one case .

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