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Today i got myself a message on a hard find pokemon that i cant Store up more pokemon and i need to go in PC center it also took me 2 great balls 1 ultra ball to realize it and my boxes where almost 60 and not even maxed although it seems we have 67 boxes

So Is it some kind of bug that needs to be fixxed or it suppose to work like this and... if it suppose to work like this at least give the option to stop u from throwing Pokeballs for nothing!

I also noticed that there is a topic that locked without getting answered or correcting the issue!


Link from previou post i read: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&p=164816#p164816

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Hello [mention]Plicson[/mention],


the maximal number of pokemon available in each account is 900, meaning that you can't get more than that.

The battle dialogue told you that you should go back to a pokecenter and release some pokemon; that's on you.

This issue won't appear when you clear out your boxes, I doubt you have 900 epic pokemon you need :P

There is nothing that can be done about the lost pokeballs and indeed the box is a little misleading.

Happy hunting though :)

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Yeah u re right i guess i noticed couple of times i got buttkicked cause of live beta but well i didnt scart some of them so what i had 8 boxes the moment i went for hunting so i got trolled you know! anyway i hope they fix the misleading Optical Illusion in boxes soon :P


Hello Plicson,


I'm sorry you missed your Pokemon because of the boxes being full.


Actually, there is right and wrong in what you've eard or supposed. Boxes are meant to function up to 60 full boxes. The other numbers after those boxes are strictly "decorative". We would like to make it more and more but there's a physical/technical limit to all those pokemon slots you can fill with wild hunts :p


So yes, it's a known bug that boxes only allow to full them until the 60th one. We're sorry you lost some pokemon and pokeballs while ignoring it :) Try to make some good place and chose the best you caught to light this a bit and have empty room in case you go hunting or walk across a shiny ;)


To rectify some informations too : Pokeballs can pe purchased up to 999. Which is the maximal amount of objects you can stack in only one slot :) B0kZcQq.png


I hope you had all the informations you needed, now i'll lock this topic as it's answered :)

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