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League of Legends - Kindred


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Kindred kinda sucks. Her passive is absolutely useless once you get 6 stacks. After the first 6 stacks she is forced to gank to get more. Lee or Udyr will destroy her in her own Jungle. Her only good role I've seen so far is ADC. Even then there are others better to fit her role.

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Lots of good things come from Kindred, however the meta is still heavy tank based. She does good percent damage but you always have to keep someone marked. If you can't kill the person you marked, immediately mark someone else otherwise you'll be very behind. I usually just go Red enchantment > BOTRK > Greaves > Randuins > Spirit Visage > GA. She does a lot already due to her passive and even if you stack damage, she doesn't really gain much from her skills as they have low percentages on all of her skills. You really have to rely on your passive at all times.

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55238 Kindred kinda sucks. Her passive is absolutely useless once you get 6 stacks. After the first 6 stacks she is forced to gank to get more. Lee or Udyr will destroy her in her own Jungle. Her only good role I've seen so far is ADC. Even then there are others better to fit her role.

Thanks for the mechanics explanation. Although nobody asked for it.


OP nice outplay mate :)

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