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So let's go, in first i'm a french player so i'm gonna try to do my best for english ( and sorry for some error ^^')


I have 22 years old and i began PRO with a friend (RickAstley) and my GF gonna play too, so what can i said, i began pokemon with blue versions, and i found my first shiny on Ruby a Spinda, i hope i can find so much shiny on PRO cause it's one of my favorite thing on Pokémon Games. hum what else ? it's not my first expérience on MMO pokémon but the graphics on PRO is awsome, and i'm ready to discover this Holy map.






Have fun All and found all pokémon You can, And gotta catch them All

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Welcome to PRO! Hope you have fun here, mate! I found my first shiny on Pokemon Ruby so many years ago, an orange zigzagoon and I killed it because I thought that was somehow, a game error (I didn't knew what was shiny that time). But I play Pokémon games since Red and Blue versions. Anyway, Gotta Kill em' All... No... Wait!!!!! :oYuck:


Welcome to PRO, pal. I hope you'll enjoy our community.


I found my first shiny in Platinum and that was a starly.


And i must say, there are a lot of real life couple playing this awesome PRO, which is so cool.



Made by Somes, Killua, mixunli and CarlosAST


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