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Encounter Rate in Pokedex


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Would be a really nice feature to have. That way I can stare at the insanely low encounter rate of rare pokes while i search for them lol. Just kidding, but it would be a very interesting and distinguishing characteristic about this game's dex that ive never seen in a pokemon game before


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the encounter rates are hidden on purpose.


we dont want players to group pokemon into tiers of rarity. however their usability in battle should dictate value


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You're point is not good in my opinion, the price of a pokemon should be influenced only by his rarity. And the find rate is not "hide". Let's say I want to know the % of finding pokemons at night in a route for example. The only thing i have to do is farming here and count pokemons.

After 20h i should have a very good approximation of the % of each one, and since i have 5/6 friends that play this game it means we can do it by playing 4h each one. So is not better for you to share those info ?

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Well, people who like pvp will value pokemon who are more useful in battle. But people who like hunting rare pokemon will value pokemon based on rarity, this is already happening btw. Its no secret as to which pokemon are rarer than others, we all already know that ralts and dratini are incredibly difficult to find.


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