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Repel Seller NPC


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what I really meant with the "Coin item" is:


string x = "Coin item";


buff() {

boosts the chances of encountering the desired pokemon;



if x.isImplementedRipPRO {








string requirements(){

return "syncW/lvl";



Both has the same intention but with different approach whether x will be implemented or not. xD





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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I presume, it also serves like an alternative way for (just in-case there is one in planned) a Coin item that boosts the spawn of ER/R/high tier pokemon by , lets say 20% -- just like w/ Black MS.


Though it wont be a pay-2-win but still it drastically lessens the grind w/ less cost.


I know how nathan feels even though Im not a pro-repelTrick but neither is an anti-repelTrick. Just a simple grinder.

Haven't used or bought a Black MS since it was implemented. Not because I think it's P2W but because I enjoy the grind. That's why I joined and stuck around PRO; it kept me coming back. I don't think there'd ever be an item that increases spawn rates. There'd be far too much backlash and the game would completely lose its MMO playmodel. Glad that there's someone who understands my argument, even if it isn't presented well. I like to grind.


If you like to grind you can keep doing that, theres noone forcing you to use the RT. Furthermore you said the RT allows for 10 rare pokes to be caught within 20 minutes, that is absolutely not true. If you actually experienced something like that, you should blame it on variance and not consider it to be normal - a sample size like that is way too small to deduct anything. Regarding the money-sink aspect: if rares were to become as common as you make it seem, their value would significantly decrease. That means that the repels used don't necessarily pay for themselves, especially if you consider the fact that time still has to be invested. Lastly, I'd like to respond to your believe that "a small crowd making lots of noise" is what caused the changes: as of now, an overwhleming majority of 68% is welcoming the changes while another 20% doesn't even seem to see a difference (->Red's Spawn Balance Poll). That is by no means a small crowd.

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