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Auction House,Please.


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auction house. A lot of players want to sell that pokemon, but they do not have that much time to look for in the chat. An auction house was going to simplify the sales part of the game a lot, and with that to clear the chat a little bit.

and also when you are behind that pokemon that no one is selling at the time, but there is a player who is selling, but this is out of the game.


:Light: my suggestion is. House of auctions and the money would go to the post office, or as in other games in the auction house itself. :Light:



PS: I'm sorry, my English is a bit weak. but I'm trying to improve. ^^ :Shy:

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Hi there [mention]Hostyle[/mention]


Although it is a good suggestion, it has been suggested multiple times before and is impossible to implement.

Auction house or Market place

A platform for easier buying and selling of pokemon was planned, unfortunately the server will never be stable enough to support the feature without constant risk of pokemon, items and money being lost, which means it's not a viable addition and regretfully can't be added to PRO


This can be found in This Topic under the [glow=red]List of denied and non negotiable suggestions[/glow]


Since this is a denied suggestion, I'll have to lock this topic.


Enjoy PRO :Smile:


Kind regards



[glow=black]- Locked -[/glow]



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