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Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return


<t>Gretting R3vo members,<br/>


My application<br/>


IGN: SardinhaIX<br/>

Total in game hours: 181 hours<br/>

I promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath and serve it as best as I can<br/>


I came here by reference of Armonite, a current R3vo's guild member</t>

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Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return


<r><QUOTE author="CynclossPlays"><s>

</s><POST content="47627"><s></s>47627<e></e></POST> Still waiting my hours played is now around 80+ ^^<e>

<QUOTE author="SardinhaIX"><s>

</s><POST content="47644"><s></s>47644<e></e></POST> Gretting R3vo members,<br/>


My application<br/>


IGN: SardinhaIX<br/>

Total in game hours: 181 hours<br/>

I promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath and serve it as best as I can<br/>


I came here by reference of Armonite, a current R3vo's guild member<e>



When I see Jhax in game I'll let him know you two applied.</r>

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Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return


<r><QUOTE author="CynclossPlays"><s>

</s><POST content="47627"><s></s>47627<e></e></POST> Still waiting my hours played is now around 80+ ^^<e>


guess its just a timing issue cyncloss hope to add you soon.<br/>


<QUOTE author="SardinhaIX"><s>

</s><POST content="47644"><s></s>47644<e></e></POST> Gretting R3vo members,<br/>


My application<br/>


IGN: SardinhaIX<br/>

Total in game hours: 181 hours<br/>

I promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath and serve it as best as I can<br/>


I came here by reference of Armonite, a current R3vo's guild member<e>



Friend me in game ill add you.</r>


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Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return


<r>Hey, i would like to join the guild if possible. <E>:Smile:</E> <br/>


1. IGN: <B><s></s>Kilgara<e></e></B><br/>

2. Age: <B><s></s>18<e></e></B><br/>

3. Location/Country: <B><s></s>Brazil<e></e></B><br/>

4. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? If so, can they vouch for you? <B><s></s>I am not yet have a any friend who is a member of R3vo.<e></e></B><br/>

5. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. <B><s></s>First guild.<e></e></B><br/>

6. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? <B><s></s>Yes I promise to abide.<e></e></B></r>


IGN: Kilgara ~ Guild: None ~ Game Time: +800Hrs ~ Server: Silver

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Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return


<r><QUOTE author="Kilgara"><s>

</s><POST content="48319"><s></s>48319<e></e></POST> Kilgar<e>


<QUOTE author="MegaKlownz"><s>

</s><POST content="48688"><s></s>48688<e></e></POST> IGN : MegaKlownz<br/>


played time : 138hours 8 mins<br/>


i promised to abide guild's oath and rule<br/>


references by armonite<e>






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