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Hello i want to make a suggestion that has made before and was declined, to make this 3 items not being consumable in pvp.


They can still be consumed if used outside of pvp.


The reason is that some of the players are not even playing, for exemple, a pokemon like dugtrio more often because its limited to the amount of focus sashes that the player has. Its not something in my opinion that will influence the market at all, as all items in the showdown that are here are not consumated upon use except the battle, i don`t see why we just let them so everyone can enjoy and bring people who want to use pokemons that are required to have an item as one of those 3


I don`t feel like its enjoyable to keep buy them and to be consumed as it should be like any other item, 1 item, not consumable from the pvp category ^_^.


That is because showdown is a simulator, not a MMO. things are consumable, thats the way they are.


It was denied for a reason, so honestly i dont see why u used ur time this unwisely to make another topic for something that wont happen


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I don`t mean to be rude or anything, but not everyone can afford them or want to buy instead of taking maybe something more usefull, and i didn`t even saw that another post untill i posted mine + i think it does no harm at more people will see that this post are being made and maybe they will have the courage to say their opinion wich i think is the same as mine ^_^.


Again i don`t mean to be disrespectfull in this post, so don`t take it as something bad ^_^.


well, ive since reduced the consumables in the PvPshop to 1 coin each anyway.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

PvP is quite difficult to balance sometimes. We have reduced those items prices and we wont stop gathering new feedbacks about future pvp situation. In any case our aim is to not make PvP easy (in terms of items to acquire), but neither a pain since players have to enjoy but work hard for it.


Thanks in any case for the suggestion, is always appreciated. We will keep on tracking PvP in all his features ^^


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

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Hello , you ask'd for other opinions from the community, but I Dont rly understand your problem.


The price has already been reduced from 50% . From 2 coins, it goes to 1.

As thor said this is a MMO where we have to gain the things by buying / farming etc.

So My apologies but I dont rly understand what's your matter ? Would you say 1 pvp coin is to much for a MMO ? ( 1 pvp coin = 1 win ) so its the strict minimum, because u cant play less than 1 game, otherwise it means that u dont play xD.


1 PvP coin for a consumable pvp item is fair enough, and as said its the minimum you cant have something for less than 1 or it means its free ^^ ( since not consumable is OUT of question due to the MMO aspect ) .



I had the courage to say my opinion and i'm defo against your and I hope the other will have the courage to tell their opinions and to tell you that the things are fair as they're now . ^_^


Hello and thanks for your feedback :). What i am saying this items from the start should not be consumable, i have other things better to buy from the pvp store i guess, even if is 1 point, means if i use a team wich requires at least 1 focus sash user and i don`t have focus sashes ( as an exemple ), i have to use my only focus sash that i have and hopefully i win so i ca get another ( again talking from a player tbh that is poor, not really me ) and if i win i get 1 new to buy and use for my team.


Well you see where i am going ? I don`t see the point limiting this items when the game has already alot of excesive money sink things already

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