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Re: Scientology General Discussion



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Hello, I am a Scientology High Priest. I'm here to share in discussion amongst fellow members, as well as spread the word to those ignorant. I am willing to answer many questions, however, I cannot divulge church secrets.


Praise be to the infinite god, consuming us all and freeing us from mortal coil. Only those who can understand the truth will be freed. All others will suffer.

What is Scientology High Priest?

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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I am having hard time drawing a parallel between church and scienthology for what you are referring. More silly question would be, do you represent the Christian church or science generally.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Looks like a Chinese copy of Marvel comic for me. No hard feelings though.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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I'll take the troll bait and ask, what's your response to the claims and evidence put forth by

* and all of the negative drama surrounding Scientology in general?

More silly question would be, do you represent the Christian church or scientology generally.

Scientology is not a branch of Chrisitianity.



* Fair warning about the video, some of the images may be unsettling, but they aren't super gore or anything. I felt that it's important to include that particular video if we're seriously going to talk about Scientology.

what are you talking about? How we can know about the Scientology if you cant tell us because is a church secret


I'll tell you how it is based on my understanding of it, whether or not my information is accurate or not I don't personally know, and I don't necessarily believe this myself either. I'm telling this from an objective, unbiased standpoint. Take what I say with a grain of salt.


The reason they don't tell you is because they want you to get initiated to essentially grab your money. They're apparently very good at manipulating their members and taking their money. After being initiated into Scientology, it is extremely difficult to leave because they blackmail you. In fact, in some cases mentioned in the video above, people have gotten physically injured and even killed when they tried to leave. One man committed suicide just to get away.


This is what I've been told, it does not necessarily reflect my personal opinions about Scientology.

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Ok was enough of trolling. To begin with, Something has to have fundamental solid grounds to begin with. Hence being rather low in numbers. Personally, I prefer having mind on my own as a free given will. In this case I am failing to see actual fundamental ground to feel it serious at all.


Indeed I only have a portion of general knowledge about L Ron Hubbard. I would be interested more most likely if what he said was actually truth. AFAIK, for you he was a war hero who got blind from war injuries and that he was clinically dead and during that time as clinically dead on operating table he found something called Scientology.


- However, the operation never happened. He was examined by navy doctors and it turned out he can see. He also dropped a torpedo on an empty ocean floor and he accidentally once fired to Mexican soil during the practice. Given those facts, he was rather shame for US Navy. That being said, he was put out of way by re-assigning.


- You scientologists tend to claim that he was an college educated nuclear scientist who was also brilliant in other fields. However, the fact is that he was asked to withdraw from college to avoid being thrown out after a year as he was failing and had bad marks. Most of Hubbards books and other writings suggests us that he fails to understand ordinary mathematics, chemistry and physics as most of those works are filled with mistakes.


Science and The Church of Scientology are totally different things. Travolta and Cruise are rather drama queens who are facing divorces and scandals all the time. It suggests very poor and low life style despite being popular and with the money. Same thing goes on your view towards psychiatrists as corrupt and abusive. Of course there are corrupted people and ones who may abuse. However, their pill works, puts you to sleep and calms you down. It does eat brain slowly though. But then again, when you compare it with yours alternative such as device known as an electropsychometer or e-meter, which passes a small electrical current through a user you get a huge gap where yours one was proven to be rather fraud.


Note that I am not telling anything I've came to realize. I am telling the actual facts that happened. Given such facts, there are really little grounds to feel it serious. So simply when you draw a line you can realize things easily if you have mind on your own. But hey, let's not go too deep into this. It is rather pointless to talk about this due to lack of fundamentals and more important, this is not the time and place for it. Keep it in a proper universal domain. Avoid promoting anything. Even though they say that a good product never needed promotion and advertising. Thanks-

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Why would we do so many terrible things, and concern ourselves with such Earthly matters when we have higher planes of ascension to reach?


Plenty of people use something, in this case Scientology, as a facade to manipulate others with. That isn't a rare occurrence. There is always evil hidden within some people of a group.


Would you consider those people to radicalists or fake followers of Scientology?

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