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hello...i have a pikachu the first one i get from Oak and it doesnt learn thunder....it is 90 lvl and it never learn it!!!why???


Hello KotsiosLalos

Your Pikachu can relearns Thunder for 2,000$ via Move Relearner (the one in Cerulean City for example as showed on the screenshot).

It should have learned the move at level 58, you probably missed it when your Pikachu wanted to get it.



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Re: Pikachu


<r><QUOTE author="KotsiosLalos" post_id="442642" time="1505472801" user_id="1814529"><s>


hello...i have a pikachu the first one i get from Oak and it doesnt learn thunder....it is 90 lvl and it never learn it!!!why???I tried move relaerner in safron but nothing really nothing...what is going on with my pikachu



Could you have a check at <B><s></s><U><s></s>Cerulean<e></e></U><e></e></B> Move Relearner as I stated on my <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=442613#p442613"><s></s>previous post<e></e></URL> ?<br/>

Also, you can use TM25 <COLOR color="gold"><s></s><B><s></s>Thunder<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR> findable at <I><s></s>Goldenrod Mart - $5,500 / Lilycove Department Store 3F - $5,000 / Lt. Surge Boss Battle Reward<e></e></I>

<QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="442613" time="1505464566" user_id="1680020"><s>


Your Pikachu can relearns <COLOR color="gold"><s></s><B><s></s>Thunder<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR> for 2,000$ via Move Relearner (the one in Cerulean City for example as showed on the screenshot).<br/>

It should have learned the move at level 58, you probably missed it when your Pikachu wanted to get it.<br/>


<IMG src="https://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/774373Capturedecran20170915a103003.png"><s></e></IMG>


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