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someone could tell me why in the guild, my officer does not let you invite anyone?


Hello MagDaos

This bug is quite known and has just been fixed by Shane as you can see it in his last answer from the Download & Update Logs topic :

Final Gambit will no longer trigger sturdy/sash on the user who used it.

Hex will now double in power if the target is affected by a non-volatile status condition.

Mean look should now trap the opponent as intended.

Rapid spin should no longer remove hazards and other effects if the user fainted from rough skin, iron barbs, life orb etc.

The move Volt Switch will no longer cause the user switch if the target has Volt Absorb ability.

Download now raises the correct stat and also shows a message in battle.

Guild Permissions should now be fixed for those that were broken.

Guild Cap raised to 80.

Added the ability to reset Natures via scripting. So perhaps content creators can allow you to do that or something depending on what they want.


Mind you telling me if your Officer managed to use the command ?

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