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Hello [mention]Strusiu[/mention];


This pokemon has total 121 IVs (20,4,29,25,26,17).


As I mentioned in my guide the scoring would look like this:

  • Heracross = Tier 4 = 130 Score
  • Heracross = level41 = 25 Score (only 25 levels count into the scoring)
  • IVs' = 121 total IVs = 121 Score


130 + 25 + 121 = 276



Nothing wrong here. :)


130 + 121 + 41 = 292

130 + 121 + 25 = 276

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

[mention]Strusiu[/mention], for the future



130 + 25 + 135 = 290


You need at least 135 IVs on a level25 Tier4 pokemon in the BCC for the Larvesta Wings

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Ohhh thx I thought i can use max 25rc not 25lv poke


Soo close


Hi Strusiu, sorry for the misunderstanding :confused:

Thank you [mention]PreHax[/mention] for your detailed answer :)

[glow=white]Quoting for visibility:[/glow]

Hello [mention]Strusiu[/mention];


This pokemon has total 121 IVs (20,4,29,25,26,17).


As I mentioned in my guide the scoring would look like this:

  • Heracross = Tier 4 = 130 Score
  • Heracross = level41 = 25 Score (only 25 levels count into the scoring)
  • IVs' = 121 total IVs = 121 Score


130 + 25 + 121 = 276



Nothing wrong here. :)


130 + 121 + 41 = 292

130 + 121 + 25 = 276



Congratulations on your catch nonetheless, and hope you at least ended up first at this contest!

Goodluck on your journey~


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