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Plz if you have knowledge to share, post here, you can add, define better or revise a wrong information. Your name, as gratitude, will be on credits.</COLOR>


If you add a new pokemon I would appreciate if you write in the right format to copy and paste here.

#000 - Pokemon name - Nature popular/Nature not popular - Ability popular/Ability not popular - 252 ATK/SPD or 252 SPATK/DEF - Item popular/ Item not popular


The most popular build is always showing, if there is any non popular variation or dependent things it will be put on spoiler tag to reduce the size :) like this:



1) Impish - Intimidate - 252 DEF/HP - Leftovers

2) Adamant - Intimidate - 252 SPDEF/HP - Assultvest



1) if Jolly -> 252 SPD/HP

2) if Adamant -> 252 ATK/HP

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I chose not to put move set, it would be too big, and would lose the characteristic to be small and objective for the novice players. But it is something to think about.


Number - Pokemon - Nature* - Ability* - EV spread* - Item*


#036 - Clefable - Bold - Magic Guard/Unaware - 252 DEF/HP mostly - Lefties mostly


#051 - Dugtrio - Jolly - Arena Trap - 252 SPD/HP - Focus sash


#059 - Arcanine - Jolly/Adamant/Naive - Flashfire/Intimidate - 252 ATK/SPD - Leftovers/Lum/Berry/Life orb



1) Impish - Intimidate - 252 DEF/HP - Leftovers




#080 - Slowbro - Bold - Regenerator - 252 HP/DEF - Lefties


#091 - Cloyster - Naive(prefered)/Adamant/jolly - ??? - 252 ATK/SPD(or change bit speed into hp) -Skill link


#094 - Gengar - Timid - Levitate - 252 SPD/SPATK - Life Orb/Black Sludge


#121 - Starmie - Timid/Bold - Natural Cure - 252 SPD/SPATK or 252 HP/DEF - Life Orb/Lefties


#130 - Gyarados - Adamant/Jolly - Moxie/Intimidate - 252 ATK/SPD - Leftover/Lumberry



1) Impish - Intimidate - 252 DEF/HP(some speed investment can be done) - Leftover




#143 - Snorlax - Adamant/Brave/Impish/Careful/Sassy/Relaxed - 200 DEF/152 SPDEF/158HP - Thickfat/Lumberry/Leftovers/Chesto Berry


#149 - Dragonite - Adamant/Jolly/Modest/any mixed - Multiscale - Dependents on Nature - Choice Band/Lum Berry/Lefties/Weakness Policy


#184 - Azumarill - Adamant (mostly) - Huge Power - 252 ATK/HP or 252 SPD/HP - Dependents on player - Choice Band/Lefties/Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry


#208 - Steelix - Adamant/Impish/Brave/Relaxed - 252 ATK/HP or 252 DEF/HP - Rockhead/Sturdy -



#242 - Blissey - Bold - Natural Cure - 252 DEF/HP - Leftover


#245 - Suicune - Bold (preferably) - Pressure/Water Absorb - 252 HP/DEF - Lefties


#248 - Tyranitar - Relaxed/Adamant/Jolly/Sassy - Sand Stream - Dependents on Nature - Lefties/Choice Band/Lum Berry


#445 - Garchomp - Jolly/Impish - Sand Veil/Rough Skin - Dependents - Lum Berry/Lefties/Life Orb/Choice Scarf



1) if Jolly -> 252 HP/SPD

2) if Impish -> 252 HP/DEF



#461 - Weavile - Jolly - any - 252 ATK/SPD- Life Orb/Choice Band


#462 - Magnezone - Timid/Modest - Magnet Pull - 252 SPD/SPATK - Choice Scarf/Lefties


#465 - Tangrowth - Relaxed (mostly)/Sassy - Regenerator - 252 HP/DEF or 252 HP/SPD - Lefties/Assault Vest


#468 - Togekiss - Timid/Bold - Serene Grace - 252 SPD/SPATK or 252 HP/DEF - Choice Scarf/Lefties/Lum Berry


#472 - Gliscor - Impish/Careful - Poison Heal - slight Spe investment rest Defensive EVs - Toxic Orb


#485 - Heatran - Timid/Modest - ??? - 252 SPD/SPATK - ???


#530 - Excadrill - Jolly/Adamant/Careful - Sand Rush - 252 ATK/SPD or 252 HP/SPD - Life Orb/Lefties/Baloon


#563 - Cofagrigus - Bold - Mummy - 252 DEF/HP - Leftovers



1)Calm - Mummy - 252 SPDEF/HP - Assultvest




#591 - Amoonguss - Bold/Calm - Regenerator - 252HP/Dependents- Lefties


#593 - Jellicent - Bold - Water Absorb - 252 DEF/HP - Lefies


#598 - Ferrothorn - Relaxed/Sassy - Iron Barbs - Dependents - Lefties


#625 - Bisharp - Adamant/Jolly - Defiant - 252 ATK/SPD - Life Orb/Lum Berry/Focus Sash


#635 - Hydreigon - Timid/Naive - Levitate - 252 SPD /SPATK - Life Orb/Choice Scarf/Choice Specs


#637 - Volcarona - Timid/Modest/Bold - Flame Body - Dependents - Leftovers


#663 - Talonflame - Adamant (mostly)/Careful/Jolly/Impish - Gale Wings(mostly) - EV Spread is dependand - Sharp Bea/no item/Choice Band mostly



1) if Adamant -> 252 ATK/HP or 252 ATK plus the rest mixed into SPD and HP

2) if Careful -> SPDEF instead ATK for EVs



* From most used to least used





Credits for: Yiotoo, iSmurfy , TheAkalli, kill3rrrr

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Amoonguss - Bold/Calm - 252HP And Depandand - Regenerator - Lefties

Dugtrio - Jolly - 252 Spe/HP - Arena Trap - Focus sash

Jellicent - Bold - 252Def/HP - Water Absorb - Lefies

Volcarona - Timid/Modest/Bold - Depends - Flame Body - Leftovers.


Hope I could contribute

Married to Shaymin



is that right set for careful talon tho? i say spdef investment insted of atk investment

and for ada u can go atk hp or mixed spread with maxed atk and share points between hp and speed

gyarados : ada/jolly atk & speed 252; moxie/intimidate; leftover,lumberry; impish: def,hp 252 (some speed investment can be done);intimidate;leftover

steelix: ada/impish/brave/relaxed-252 atk/hp or 252 def/hp; rockhead/sturdy;leftover

snorlax: ada/brave/impish/careful/sassy/relaxed; 200def 152 SpDef rest hp; thickfat; lumberry, leftovers, Chesto Berry

arcanine : jolly/ada/naive atk+speed-252; flashfire/intimidate; Leftovers, Lum Berry, Life orb impish: def+hp 252; intimidate; Leftovers

cloyster: naive(prefered)/ada/jolly atk+speed 252(or change bit speed into hp) skill link

heatran: timid/modest spd+SpA 252 ; flash fire; choice scarf/leftover/airballoon

Cofagrigus bold: def+hp 252; Mummy; Leftovers; calm: spdef+hp; Mummy; Assultvest

thanks very much kill3rrrr! your knowledge was add to it as your name to credits! :)


nice guide u got here ill help add more pokemons commenly used when i can o/

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