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Priority login


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Another thread on the forum made me thinking. The server cap is currently rather low and I would imagine that after the release it will be almost always near to full. I know that expanding server capacity takes a lot of money, so I was thinking. Would it be possible to add priority or pushed login to membership? This way those who donated would most likely be able to log into the game. I think it would be a fair advantage for donators, plus it would make donation far more desirable.

Unless of course if after the release the game would move to a new server with much higher capacity :)

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The server cap is currently rather low and I would imagine that after the release it will be almost always near to full.


They've already said that they're going to raise the capacity after the game is officially released.


The problem is not money for expanding the server, the problem is the stability of the server. The server used to have a cap of 500, so clearly money isn't the issue.

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Very very bad suggestion. I'm strictly against it.


This is not "PAY TO WIN" game.


It's more akin to "pay to access", but I agree with your point.


I feel like some people forget that when a game is in beta phase the point is to find bugs, glitches, etc., not to just play.

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Whatever, i just hate this type of suggestion which do discrimination between normal and ms players. Both should be treated equally.


When the game goes live, i'll buy ms too, but I still don't support this. (I know after the release, the capacity will hugely increase.)



Made by Somes, Killua, mixunli and CarlosAST


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Guest UnknownUser11

I did change it so MS can bypass the little cap. :)

i explained everything in another post somewhere xD

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Obviously the staff's goal will be to provide the capacity to be enough for everyone, but IN CASE the server is full, regardless of what number that cap actually is, I would feel fair that those who donated could have priority login (even if I would not be one of them). It works like that in tons of MMOs and I fail to see how would this make the game pay-to-win... Obviously the server cap won't be glued to 50-100 forever...

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Guest UnknownUser11

I already did this. Members have priority/can bypass the cap


The cap is inplace because of money, and because the server is running on a cheap VPS.

Itll be 500 or even more when we go live and can get a dedicated server.

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