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Yesterday, I will try to stack 2 MS without knowing than it's impossible,

and while i use the second MS of 15 days on already one of 30 days.

so i buy the second for nothing, i wan't to thanks Doax for its answer who have very helped so again thank you.

But I want to think if admin can return the second MS because I did not know and i play only 51h :(

I hope than you will resolve this for a frensh a bit disappointed.


PS: Sorry for my mistakes :Shocked:

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stack MS?

I mean you can stack MS in your inventory (2x 30day MS, 5x 15day MS) and you could also activate 2x 30 day MS and have 60 days of MS or activate 1x 30day MS and 1x 15day MS.


You can see how long your MS goes on the Dashboard ( https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ )

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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