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Hannah boss


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well, everyone know about the simple strategy to going to sinnoh, use a seaking h.a, and houndoom will use thunderfang to beat u, but when i try fight her, he just use dark pulse and kill me, pls fix it, i'm need end sinnoh fast to get darkrai, i dont see logic to it dont work or be changed rn :/

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no, as far as i know, houndoom won't use thunderfang to beat seaking

i think the staff changed that

houndoom's moves are Thunder Fang, Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse

you can use a tyranitar holding black glasses and use dragon dance 6 times to sweep the whole boss team

ps. tyranitar learns dragon dance by egg move

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i wish you guys would just unpatch this , its annoying and kinda hard to beat her, i was so close the second time and now i have no money and wasted all my revives, could you guys at least make the boss a bit, just a TINY bit easier or let us use the seaking thing again....

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Hi! I am sorry about your “experience” with said boss, as you can read from some comments here, there are many other possibilities to beat her.

Also I remember when i had to battle her, from my player account of course, i didnt use any technique tu rush her.


I know it may be frustrating being stuck, but please understand that the more you progress in game, the harder it has to be. Also, giving seaking a chance to rush this boss, wouldnt be making him a litte easier, but actually way easier to rush...


As my honest advice, wait a bit before facing her again, look to her team and ask for strategies to other players, build a team with at least two or three pokemon recommended and then go for her again.


Best luck to you, hope you will be able to reach sinnoh soon and that you will enjoy it!


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

Please use proper forum when posting. Thanks.

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