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PRO Username: phcuong184

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I am in Love Island and Carry 6 pokemons already. I found Wild Ralts and used utral balls to catch it once time full HP and it is success.

Then the battle end and after 5 seconds it's timeout

Then 2 or 3 mins later i login back, go to Pokecenter, and don't see my Ralts in PC

It's just already happend. Plz help me


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Try anything, please make my Ralts backs. Thanks alot


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61000 PRO Username: phcuong184

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

I am in Love Island and Carry 6 pokemons already. I found Wild Ralts and used utral balls to catch it once time full HP and it is success.

Then the battle end and after 5 seconds it's timeout

Then 2 or 3 mins later i login back, go to Pokecenter, and don't see my Ralts in PC

It's just already happend. Plz help me


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Try anything, please make my Ralts backs. Thanks alot


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Hello phcuong184,


The problem that you encountered is what we call rollback. Unfortunately, this is a side effect of when the server crashes/deadlocks. Although you caught the Ralts, the server never saved the Pokemon to your account before it crashed. In the future I would recommend logging out after an important Pokemon catch or whenever you equip/unequip important items to prevent this from happening again. We're working on stabilizing the server to minimize these occurrences, but I'm sorry to tell you that we can not give you a Ralts.


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