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Simplicity Daycare Team


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The Team


  1. kozigeorge
  2. Ayushk20
  3. EliteArigus
  4. Zoyakhan
  5. Deathfrombelow

And our Discord is --->

  • kozigeorge (kozigeorge#3511)
  • Ayushk20 (Ayush#6777)
  • EliteArigus (EliteArigus#0870)
  • Zoyakhan (qader#4735)
  • Deathfrombelow (deathfrombelow#1494)




1. You may request a service by leaving a forum post, using the /pm command in PRO, or by messaging on discord.

2. We am providing service in all regions in PRO, so feel free to contact us regarding any pokemon.

3. All orders are screenshoted for safety purposes

4. Agree on the deadline, that is both suitable for the client and daycare.

5. If you demand only EV training, please have your pokemon leveled to at least lvl 30.

6. Daycarers may provide RC(selling them), but they are not obligated to.

7. Daycarers are obligated to change only the wrong EV's they gave to the poke,its the responsibility of the owner to remove the wrong EV's,or the daycarer may sell EV reduction berries.

8. Money is the best method used, though items may be accepted in certain cases, if the daycarer agrees

9. Asking for priority is still under suspection, so there is not such choice till this point,not an official one at least

10. (optional) It would be immensely helpful to remark the work that has been done and also state your opinion bout efficiency and cost of the services



Edited by ayushk20




In-Game Name = Ayushk20

>>Type --> /pm Yourname-=-Ayushk20<<




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=======---tier1 2, 3 ---========

===ev 252 each25k===


=====def252 30k=======


=======---tier 4---=======

===ev 252 each 60-70k===

(daycarer can choose , still not obligated to ev train tier 4 pokemon)

Level up


=== per level price===

(from 60 till 97=44k)

(from30 till 97=56k)

===1-60level 400(24k)

===61-80level 800(16k)

===81-90level 1000(10k)

===91-95 level 1600(8k)

===96-97level 4000(8k)



===per level===

(from 60 till 97 is 66k)

(from 60 till 95 is 52k)

(from30 till 97=84k)

===1-60level 600(36k)

===61-70level 1000(10k)

===71-80level 1200(12k)

===81-90level 1800(18k)

===91-95level 2400(12k)

===96-97level 7000(14k)

===98-100 get rare candys


=======---Tier3 ---=======

===per level===

(from 60 till 95 is 77k)

(from 30 till 95=101k)

===1-60level 800(48k)

===61-70level 1200(12k)

===71-80level 1500 (15k)

===81-90level 2500(25k)

===91-95level 5000(25k)

===96-100 get rare candys



===per level ===

===1-60level 2000(120k)

===60-80level 2500(50k)

===80-90level 3500(25k)

===90-100 get rare candys

these are subjective to each daycarer and not obligated to train tier 4 pokemon

Edited by ayushk20




In-Game Name = Ayushk20

>>Type --> /pm Yourname-=-Ayushk20<<




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Fast Service, thank you bro ^^

I'll pm you ingame for more Pokemon to level :p


Thanks for the feedback MickzDE :thanks: and let me know! I'm always willing to help with daycare service. :Grin:




In-Game Name = Ayushk20

>>Type --> /pm Yourname-=-Ayushk20<<




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Holla senior,


I would like to buy your services for an lvl 15 Feebas pm me ingame if thats fine with you. Then we can discuss thinks while drinking an nice cup of tea. Marvelous!!!


Sincerly Yours



Hi Krawod,


Thanks for the request, i am online right now, lets discuss it in PRO. :Grin:









In-Game Name = Ayushk20

>>Type --> /pm Yourname-=-Ayushk20<<




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Nidoking @ Life Orb

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

- Earth Power

- Sludge Wave

- Ice Beam

- Flamethrower


can you use berri i pay for all

and how much


Hey DianePandi,


Thanks for the request, please provide your PRO username so i can contact you ingame to discuss the details. - Also the time, when you will be online. (please mention the time zone as well, because we probably live in different time zones)


Also it will take roughly 12 berries to fix your Nidoran M's EVs.


We can discuss the cost of Life orb in PRO as well.


Standard ev service rate applies to your Pokemon = 40,000 for 510EVs.


Also, Do you need Level Up Service too?


Please contact me if you need more details or want to negotiate anything.








In-Game Name = Ayushk20

>>Type --> /pm Yourname-=-Ayushk20<<




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