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I noticed the cooldown time of Zetsu is 72 hours, and when you talk to him after you beat him he will tell you "2 days cooldown" because the rounding is very bad here, its 2 days 23 hours and 59 minutes => 2 days for the NPC.

Well, event is over but I hope your question is answered.




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Sorry, can i get zetsu ? But i need 43 hour, :(

I realy want a defeat zetsu for 5 times, pleasee :(

Pleaseee :"(


please GM

Hello there, McFerry!


I understand this might be frustrating, and I'm sorry to have to inform you that we cannot reset Bosses' cooldowns for ethical reasons, unless it's bugged ‒which is not your case‒ ;

The event duration already got lengthened by four days due to technical issues with Zetsu's cooldown when it got added ‒as mentioned in Discord's announcements‒, to ensure people who faced the bug would still be able to get the 5th reward; we cannot, however, elapse an event duration to meet everyone's likes, but we hope you still enjoyed the Halloween Event :Heart:



Hopefully, you will be able to start earlier next time there will be an event limited in time, and will fully enjoy it!


Since, as [mention]BashFick[/mention] mentioned, the event is now over, I will lock this thread; sorry for this experience, and I wish you guys a good day!



- [glow=lightgreen]Locked as solved[/glow] -

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