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This moves arent the bests, to take the moves as reason to let the Eevee unevolved makes a low sense imo.

Maybe you knowe it already, when you evolve the most Pokes they need way more Exp. So when you want to level it up fast you should let it unevolved.


But if i evolve eevee to jolteon will it learn the same moves as eevee? If not isnt it better to evolve it?

This moves arent the bests, to take the moves as reason to let the Eevee unevolved makes a low sense imo.

Maybe you knowe it already, when you evolve the most Pokes they need way more Exp. So when you want to level it up fast you should let it unevolved.


But if i evolve eevee to jolteon will it learn the same moves as eevee? If not isnt it better to evolve it?


They wont learn the same Moves thats true but the moves you learn as Eevee arent that good. My Jolteon uses 4 moves which are Tm´s.




This moves arent the bests, to take the moves as reason to let the Eevee unevolved makes a low sense imo.

Maybe you knowe it already, when you evolve the most Pokes they need way more Exp. So when you want to level it up fast you should let it unevolved.


But if i evolve eevee to jolteon will it learn the same moves as eevee? If not isnt it better to evolve it?


They wont learn the same Moves thats true but the moves you learn as Eevee arent that good. My Jolteon uses 4 moves which are Tm´s.


Also i´ll ad that you are able to re-learn move in Saffron (Right from the PokeCenter) so that´s why i suggest to keep eevee till level 90+ and evolve after.


Is it better to evolve eveeve as fast as possible or better to wait until eveeve learnt all her moves? becuase l have noticed that the evolved form stop learning at level 45 and so does eveeve......

Hello there!


Even if evolved, you can teach moves exclusive from pre evolution forms at a PRO Move Tutor ‒formerly known as Pre Evo Move Tutor‒ located in Daycares :Grin: Each move will cost 10 000$!


In most Daycares, you will have to walk through the door behind the Eggmove Tutor and Doctor Quest NPC to get to the Tutor:



In order to unlock access to the Daycares, you must defeat Naero in Cerulean Cave :)


The Daycares are located as follow:

  • Route 5 (Kanto)
  • Route 34 (Johto)
  • Route 117 (Hoenn)
  • Solaceon Town (Sinnoh)
  • Four Island (Sevii Islands ‒ there is no PRO Move Tutor there, nor eggmove, just Doctor quests)


If you choose to not evolve it until late levels to xp faster, then you can go learn the moves you want to Jolteon that he's able to learn via level for 2 000$ apiece at a Move Buffet / Move Relearner, located as follow:

  • Kanto: Celadon / Saffron
  • Johto: Goldenrod / Blackthorn
  • Hoenn: Slateport / Sootopolis
  • Sinnoh: Hearthome / Snowpoint


Hope that answered well enough, and I wish you a good day! :Angel:



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