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NPC Name: Heel Jericho

Starting Dialogue: You think you're the best

pokemon trainer in the world hah I'll show you who is the real goat


On Cooldown Dialogue:Not now idiot

Team: Blue

Special Request (If any):Nope

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NPC Name: Big Shaq Natryu ( looks like santa claus )


Starting Dialogue:

"Playername" : Hey, why are you wearing a Santa Claus costume?

- "Big Shaq Natryu" - Man lost his jacket ... so man's not hot! Man's cold ya dun know!


Losing Dialogue: My bro Santa, he got a jacket. So he gave it to me. The ting go skrra, pa pa ka ka ka skeedy ki pa pa and a poom poom prrrr boom skiya!


On Cooldown Dialogue: Man's not cold! Man's hot! Come back when man's not hot!

Team: Delibird, froslass, Glalie.

Special Request (If any):


Npc name:Riddler

Q-What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

A1-Ice Crispies. (true)


-give xmas candy



NPC Name: wheeloftime

Starting Dialogue:" I'm no lord. I've more respect for myself than that." -"Dovie’andi se tovya sagain."

Losing Dialogue: "Blood and blood y ashes"

On Cooldown Dialogue: "A beautiful battle is one you don't have to fight."

Team: Braixen-Seviper

Special Request (If any): if it possible i want npc look like Matrim Cauthon :Angel: <3 :)

[glow=red]NPC Name: [/glow][glow=red][glow=red]Gnirvin[/glow][/glow]

[glow=red][glow=red]Starting Dialogue[/glow][/glow]: [glow=red]Merry christmas coach[/glow]

[glow=red]Losing Dialogue: [/glow][glow=red]Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year[/glow]

[glow=red]On Cooldown Dialogue:[/glow] [glow=red]Woo! I challenge you to a battle is willing to face me[/glow]

[glow=red]Team:[/glow] [glow=red]sylveon, Slurpuff, gardevoir

[/glow][glow=red]Special Request (If any):[/glow] [glow=red][glow=red] coach santa is very close and bring gifts, you've behaved well this year?



:Heart-eyes: [glow=red]Merry Christmas to al[/glow]l :Heart-eyes:




Discord : Gnirvin#8876

gardevoir-mega.gif  gengar-mega.gif diancie-mega.gifcharizard-megax.gif

Battle Npc

NPC Name:Aomaom29

Starting Dialogue: TMNT TURTLES!!

Losing Dialogue: I like turtles!

On Cooldown Dialogue: why dont you just try them :L

Team:1.turtwig 2.squirtle 3.torkoal 4.trapinch 5.tirtouga

Special Request (If any): npc appearance : green hair girl with red strawhat and white and green summer shirt


NPC Name:Mother of Dragons

Starting Dialogue: hello young man, i am Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons kneel to your queen or have your mortal body burnt with the flames of my children

Losing Dialogue:how can it be this is somekind of magic my children can never lose who r u ? rumpelstiltskin ??!!! ( lol srry abt the mix up XD )

On Cooldown Dialogue:bend the knee or i shall have no mercy but the mercy of my children's flames

Team:Reshiram, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, Mega Rayquaza, Mega salamance, Mega Charizard X ( prefered to be the last somehow looks like the one in the serie )

Special Request (If any):all of her pokes must be shiny and if the player wins he gets a gift i pass the choice to u staff ;*

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