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Best catchable Pokemón for each type based on the base stat?


This link might help.




There migh be a small difference beetween the base stats on PRO and this link because some Pokémon like Dugdrio get buffed somewhere in the past but all in all the stats should be the same.

Btw.: in your Pokédex ingame is a scale for the base stats plus I want to add that high base stat ≠ better Pokémon. Thats a fact.




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Hey there [mention]Nemrud[/mention],

sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. There are alot of options for the Pokemon you used. I suggest you to use Arcanine Smogon as website to search Pokemon and natures up in PvP.


You can use the Search button to search up Pokemon and also always chose "X/Y" option, since this is where Pokemon Revolution is updated to.

You can also just use google and type in there "Gyarados Smogon".


Works with basically any Pokemon you want, it explains the Pokemon strength and also which sets are the best for it.

Keep in mind that every Pokemon has a different usage depends on your team.

With that established, I'm going to lock this thread. I wish you a great week! :)


[glow=purple]-Locked as solved-[/glow]



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