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Downloading the client.



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PRO Username: Kaizobowse

Do you have active membership?: No

Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

While trying to introduce the game to a friend, I was showing him where to download the client. (Main>Downloads)


While attempting to go to the download page, I was instead redirected to This Download Forum


This particular forum does not seem to have up-to-date clients or information. After trying to download both Windows versions of the client, I was unable to do so. I received no ftp or redirect from clicking those downloads.


I was able to download the most recent version earlier this week, but have been unable to locate a working client since. (On the Main Page>Download)


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Tried connecting through proxies and on an android device. I also tried typing the direct URL to the (Main Page> Downloads) portion of the site.


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Please get back to me. This is keeping my friend from playing, and may be affecting other's access as well.

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