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Xmas special giveaway!![YELLOW SERVER]

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>1) my favo poke is sceptile it was always 3rd gen starter and i like the shiny form <br/>

2) my best friend is 06ottoman94 he is good guy is ready to help ,funny and gift sometimes pokes <br/>

3) i want win jff<br/>

4) i wish xmas munchlax it look really nice</t>

Alhamdulilah for everything I own ❤️

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<r>Answer :<br/>


1. i love Victini . Victini is said to bring victory to the Trainer that befriends it. It produces an infinite amount of energy within itself and can share it with others by touch. It can also become invisible, i can become a pokemon master with victini and my team . Last but not least, Victini is very cute <3 <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Kr7L5z5.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


2. My best friend (in this game) : ShinePak, he helped me alot about pvp and thats why i'm a good pvp player ^^<br/>

Join this give away just for fun, i have made around 10 give aways this year but only for vietnam gamer, really like this give away, good luck !<br/>


3. Special wish : Shaui will help me re-elvo my gardevoid into gallade <3</r>



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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<r>My favorite pokemon is slowbro cuz its lazy like me <EMOJI seq="1f61d"></EMOJI> xd<br/>

My best friend name well, I have big list tbh haha.....terry chin he is with me most of time in pro<br/>

I want to win cuz "I want to win" xD want to open special gift :p<br/>

My wish : Eat....sleep.....pro....... XD (oops I forgot to write toilet ) haha <br/>

And give me that special gift :p jk...........</r>


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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>Hello, super excited to try out a contest for the first time !<br/>


1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why? <br/>

Gengar is absolutely my favorite Pokemon. When i was a child and played the original 3 games he was always the anchor to my team. I love him because i believe he can keep me safe in life and in my dreams. I have a lot of bad dreams. <br/>

2)Who is your best friend and why? <br/>

My best friend is my wife. Blueriver and my son Sirfartsalot both play with me on yellow server. They don't play nearly as much as me but they are trying it and that makes all the more fun to play ! <br/>

3)Why u want to win? <br/>

I am new to the game, only have been playing for a few weeks now. I love it. Most fun iv had in a long time. I would love to win because i would really enjoy having a sweet mount to help carry me around the world. In the end i just hope the best person wins !<br/>

4)What is your special wish?<br/>

My special wish would be to make some new friends on yellow server and join an active guild with good communications. I love to talk and hang out with friends and i hope that when I am strong enough as a trainer ill find a place to call home !<br/>


Thanks for this contest and thanks to the team that run this game. Its been a breath of fresh air for me and has given my family something to come together on.</t>

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

Buizel, first time i saw him, i just like his ferret water type look, cool laid back pokemon and his shiny version is <3. <br/>


2)Who is your best friend and why? <br/>

I dont have one, more of a anti-social person when it comes too irl, and over games/internet people dont last long due to me always changing and wanting to play new games that usually they dont like/want to play.<br/>


3)Why u want to win? <br/>

Who doesn't like free stuff?<br/>


4)What is your special wish? <br/>

To get a job where i can live alone and pay my bills and stop living with my parents(hardest thing).</t>

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!




1) Charizard, because he was my first pokémon and i like him so much;<br/>

2) I don't have a best friend :( ;<br/>

3) I don't know, maybe because is Christmas;<br/>

4) Complete the Pokédex.</t>

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why? <br/>

Well, clearly its Magikarp, but why? Well, cause pretty cute and red, and every1 is talking bad about magikarps and their powerful move "splash" clearly they dont know that if u use splash enough of times, the small little red fish is turning into a big blue dragon which can sweep ur team<br/>

2)Who is your best friend and why? <br/>

That would be PickTheChu, why? well cause he is really nice and kind and cute,and the only person that is trying to help me fight through my depression :/<br/>

3)Why u want to win?<br/>

Well, i wanna win this so i could share these cool stuff with my best friend and finally stop running naked cx <br/>

4)What is your special wish? <br/>

My special wish is that i could stop using sarcasm the whole time, i lost a lot of people in my life cause of it, and ofc so i get rid of depression, but the best thing i could wish for? is that every1 stays with every1 close and nice like we all do in PRO :D</t>

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>Hi, <br/>

1st - My favourite pokemon is Gardevoir, more specially Mega Gardevoir, and I love it because it just so majestic, like that dress is so freaking amazing and the type are just pretty good :D<br/>

2nd - My best friend is Estrondo becuase e helps me out with the bosses and other quests.<br/>

3rd - I want to win because yes, who wouldn't!?<br/>

4th - My special wish is to bring peace to the hummanity but it would have concequences ;-;<br/>


Well, merry xmas! <br/>


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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>1- My favorite pokemon is Toxicroak because he is like a ninja strong in pvp and soooooo beautiful ^,^<br/>

2- my best friend is my Toxicroak too :) no i'm joking it's Gapart, he helped me soooo much during the adventure and he also helped me a lot to train my first pvp team :3<br/>

3- winning is a matter of life sometimes, so it's necessary to win to be ready this day <br/>

4- and one of dream would be to travel around the world to fight the secret gate which leads to pokemon world :3<br/>

Happy Xmas :3</t>

You play blissey mongolien va

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Re: Xmas special giveaway!!


<t>1. Magikarp and Gyarados are my Favorite.... Because You have to be patient to evolve it in Gyarados... Most powerful move (Splash)<br/>

2. Well...Raj2631 is My Best Friend... We help each other a lot... We're like brothers from another mother xD.<br/>

3. I want to win because I like sceptile and it's a great Pokemon. I'm having hard time finding one now.<br/>

4. My Wish is To be The Very Best...Like No one Ever was! (With Patience, Love and Care obv)</t>


Proud Member Of Miracles Family

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