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Hey all! Today, I was checking out the mapping showcase of PRO's fellow players. Suddenly I came across a map called Riverwood town. By that, I remember the story I had wrote few weeks ago. So, now I am sharing the story if Legerwoud town with you all




Legerwoud town has the official Legerwoud gym, which is the last gym of the 8th region of pokemons, Zelo region. So the story goes like:-


After finishing the seven gyms of Zelo region, we go to Legerwoud town through Legends lake.


First, we go to the gym's entrance. We try to enter the gym, but an old man blocks our way and says:


Old man:- The gym leader has went to the maze in Legerwoud forest in search of his lost pokemon. You can go there by heading towards the west of this city.


So, we go to Legerwoud forest. There we battle some battle NPCs and we can also catch mons there. Then, we enter the maze. The maze doesn't have any battles NPCs and pokemons don't spawn there but we can buy the TM darkpulse from an NPC for 5k. Afterward we find the gym leader SUHUZEN in the maze. He tell us:-


Suhuzen: I have come here in search of my Excadrill. It ran away somewhere yesterday night. Can you help me to search it?


Player:- Yes, sure


Suhuzen: Good, please search it in Legerwoud forest.


[glow=red]We head towards Legerwoud forest in search of Excadrill ( It will be in random places in the forest for each player). Then, we find it and think[/glow]


Player:- I think I should take this to Suhuzen. Let's go Excadrill!!


We then go to the maze and talk to Suhuzen.


Suhuzen: Excadrill!! Thank you so much "user name" for finding my beloved Excadrill. But why did it ran away, maybe I should go to Prof. Alan's lab and use his Pokemon translator.


We get teleported to Prof. Alan's lab in Legerwoud town. There Suhuzen asks the professor.


Suhuzen:- Prof. Alan, yesterday my Excadrill ran away from me while I was sleeping. Now, this brave kid "username" found it for me. Can I use your Pokemon translator to talk with my Excadrill?


Prof.Alan:- Sure Suhuzen, take this. Go ahead and use it. Make your Excadrill hold this.


Suhuzen makes his Excadrill hold it and asks


Suhuzen: Excadrill, please tell me the reason that why you ran away last night.


Excadrill:- Master Suhuzen, actually, yesterday while you were sleeping, some bad guys came to our house to steal. I saw them and attacked them and chased them away till Legerwoud forest. Suddenly, more bad guys came and tied me with a rope. I was unable to move. The rope was so tight that it took me whole night to break it. After I broke it, I was lost. I didn't know the way to return back. Then "username" helped me.


Suhuzen: What?! Thank you so much Exca! Because of you, I was saved. Those bad guys must've been the members of Team Prozer. Oh yeah! "Username", you are very brave. Please help this city to get rid of those bad guys. You will be able to go to their base by using the elevator in the pokemart. Please help us. Also, they have made many people of this city as prisoners, also release them.


Player : Sure, I would help. Let me go and check their base!!


We then go to their base and battle many NPCs. Then at last we enter a door.

There, we find a big jail with a jailer. We battle the jailer and defeat him. After defeating him, we talk to one of the prisoners who tells us the way to the room of Team Prozer's boss. We go to the room as guided by him. There we defeat the boss and get a sylevon abandoned by the boss. Then, we again talk to that prisoner and he thanks us and says that he is the owner of the pokemart and was put into jail by Team prozer 's boss as he wanted to created their base there. Then all the prisoners return to their home. Then we talk to Suhuzen,he also thanks us and tells us to meet him at the gym. We now, enter the gym and solve a maze and battle Suhuzen and claim the Legend Badge. After we claim the legend badge, our name in-game will appear in red instead of white.



Thank you everyone, be sure to comment on this

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