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Master Ball Restore


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By mistake, I used my master ball to catch a tentacool. Please restore my master ball. I do not want that tentacool. If needed take the tentacool. Just please help me get my master ball back. The info of the tentacool is given in the image below-


Looking for a Guild

I am Sinnoh Champion

I play in Red Server.

If any guild willing to take me in, message me in forum or pm me in game.

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By mistake, I used my master ball to catch a tentacool. Please restore my master ball. I do not want that tentacool. If needed take the tentacool. Just please help me get my master ball back. The info of the tentacool is given in the image below-Screenshot_1.jpg



Unfortunately, I think you will not be able to get your master ball back. While using it, you should've been careful,as it's the most valuable type of pokeball. But don't worry, you can buy it for just 10 PvP coins. Have a good day

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By mistake, I used my master ball to catch a tentacool. Please restore my master ball. I do not want that tentacool. If needed take the tentacool. Just please help me get my master ball back. The info of the tentacool is given in the image below-Screenshot_1.jpg



Unfortunately we can't restore your Master Ball for this. Please be more careful when using your items, that is all the advice i can give you for this.

Players are responsible for their items, and your Master Ball was not lost due to a bug or server crash or anything like that.

I feel bad for you and i know how it feels to make such mistakes but it happens, all you need to do is be more careful, that is all.


Have a nice day :Angel:

[glow=yellow] - Locked as Solved - [/glow]

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