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Good eve, my name in game is lookii. And I just bought 20 pokeballs (10 great - 10 ultra), 6 super potions and 3 revives at Fuchsia City, but itens aren't in my bag. Can gms look if this is a bug or something in my character, because all my money had gone. Sorry about that and ty

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Good eve, my name in game is lookii. And I just bought 20 pokeballs (10 great - 10 ultra), 6 super potions and 3 revives at Fuchsia City, but itens aren't in my bag. Can gms look if this is a bug or something in my character, because all my money had gone. Sorry about that and ty


Anything lost due to a server crash cannot be retrieved

Good eve, my name in game is lookii. And I just bought 20 pokeballs (10 great - 10 ultra), 6 super potions and 3 revives at Fuchsia City, but itens aren't in my bag. Can gms look if this is a bug or something in my character, because all my money had gone. Sorry about that and ty


Hey, sorry to hear about that.

So you have lost items you have bought in-game?

From your details you have provided here:

I bought before the crash of the server.


I believe you may be affected by a rollback. A rollback is not a bug, it is just an unfortunate side effect of a server crash where one's details do not save fully to the server, relying on the server to go back to it's last save state prior to the latest action of the player. More details of a rollback and how they occur can be found here: Hit by a Rollback?


Unfortunately, it is not possible to reobtain your items as stated by Shamac here: Losses by Crash Issues

I'm sorry this has happened. Enjoy the rest of your day!


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