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Donquixote Daycare Service ☆


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[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Order through the forums, in-game, or by Discord: Dofalmingo#5569

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] I can service all Pokemon from any region!

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] If you disappear without returning for your Pokemon after 2 weeks, I'll assume ownership of your Pokemon. If you're gone for awhile, please let me know!

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] I'll start on your order right away when I receive the Pokemon most times.

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Your order will be done within a day of receiving it. If not, I'll let you know first!


All prices, formatting, and writing credits are to [glow=#008dd7]Ayukura![/glow]

She has a daycare service on the [glow=#008dd7]Blue server[/glow], check it out here!



My rates are fairly standard. I do accept other ways to pay, but you will have to personally contact me regarding it.




Atk & Spd 25k

Hp & Spdef 30k

Def & Spatk 40k


iv reset : 3k per 10 iv reset



[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Lv1 to 60: 600/Lv

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Lv 60 to 80: 1,000/Lv

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Lv80 to 90: 1,500/Lv

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Lv90 to 95: 2,000/Lv

[glow=#008dd7]☆[/glow] Lv95 to 100: 50k (rare candy)


[glow=#008dd7]Special Multipliers:[/glow]

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Tank Pokemon: 15% Service Charge

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Evolved Pokemon (3 Stages): 1.5x per evolution

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Evolved Pokemon (2 Stages): 2x

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] No Evolved Forms: 1.5x

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Happiny/Chansey Price: 2x


These multipliers are in place to account for the extra time a Tank Pokemon takes to EV and level, and the more EXP an evolved (or Pokemon without evolutions) take.


Note: Their Have A Member Who Not Take Order Tank Pkm Special Happiny , Chansey , Shunkle , etc .


[glow=#008dd7]Egg Moves:[/glow]

[glow=#008dd7]✦[/glow] Egg Move: 18,000/Move


I now offer egg moves in my daycare! If you haven't done the daycare quest and still need egg moves taught to your Pokemon, please mention so in your order. Egg moves normally cost 15,000; a 3,000 service charge is added.



Here are a list of my lovely helpers who will also daycare your Pokemon while I'm not available (I'm only available Thursdays to Sundays):

IGN: [glow=#008dd7]Dofalmingo[/glow],Discord:[glow=#008dd7]Dofalmingo#5569[/glow]

[glow=#008dd7]Note : I'm doing daycare 4days Thursday To Sunday Only[/glow]

IGN: [glow=#008dd7]Kenichiyo[/glow], Discord: [glow=#008dd7]Kenichiyo#8251[/glow]

IGN: [glow=#008dd7]NurseJOY[/glow], Discord: [glow=#008dd7]Monaca#6033[/glow]

IGN: [glow=#008dd7]Gobu234[/glow], Discord: [glow=#008dd7]ultrain stinct#3285[/glow]

IGN: [glow=#008dd7]Imhanjoo[/glow], Discord: [glow=#008dd7]Imhanjoo#4712[/glow]

IGN :[glow=#008dd7]plasmavortex[/glow],Discord:




Please post the form here or send it through PM!

Your IGN:

Pokemon(s) Needing Training:

EVs and/or Levels:

Thanks for visiting my daycare; check out my Personal Shop as well!



Add My Discord


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