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Problem with Regice


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"This is clearly your fault because you could have prevented the issue if you could just test the pokemon to see if its catchable by simply trowing 1 pokeball to it

is a Lvl30 Regice, and its attacks wont harm you enough to waste 1 pokeball on it to see if its catchable, then u could have just trow a Master ball

this is your wrong doing, not the game"


I can not test to launch a pokéball above when I thought the pokémon was already won ... Think a little!






So the game is racist because it is in english? You think its possible to translate it to every other language out there? :P I think that you just got burned because of that whole regice matter and that you are just looking for excuses to badmouth the game.... :P


Yes the game is racist because it is only in English. It must at least be translated into the languages where there are the most players. So French, Spanish, etc ...

And no it's not just an excuse, because English or not, there was no writing that had to capture Régice.






Stop. Your accusations are absolutely ridiculous and wrong. If you have complaints to make, do it in the formal complaint section. You were given a response regarding Regice and it has been confirmed by numerous other people. YOU are the one who is wrong in this situation.


Insinuating racism is a giant claim to throw out, especially when you clearly have no idea what racism is. Making a free-to-play game in one language does not make it racist because it's not the language you speak. No one owes you an apology. Go cry somewhere else.


So you're a idiot finite. It's so complicated to just recognize that this point is absolutely not logical? From the moment you make a series of quêtes, then you beat a boss, the logic is that the reward you win.

It's completely illogical to have to take the risk of failing your reward after doing all that.

We just beat a boss, we logically have 6 pokémons of lvl 100 on either. There is a good chance that each attack will knock him out at once. There is the possibility of using a master ball, but what if we want to keep them to capture shiny instead? And if we do not want to use a master ball for a pokemon we are supposed to have won already? This is still completely ILLOGIC!

So, even if it is weak, there is a chance of not succeeding in capturing it, even if we try to do it.

That's it too, completely ILLEGIC !!

In short the game is wrong, and you're wrong! It's not because you're fans that you're wrong! There are even a lot of negative points about the game, do you want a list? You have not even been able to see them so much you're a fan?

Admit your wrongs !!


Then regarding the term "racist game" stop taking the letter altogether as a damned whore. It's just a way of talking.

In France we often use the term "racist game" to designate a game for example that prevents us from configuring the keys for an "azerty" keyboard ...

And I play an untranslated game I call this a racist game because they have nothing to do with others. They think everyone speaks English? No, it's not true. I do not speak a word. I use google translation to speak there.

We in France when a game is made, it is translated into English if the game is offered elsewhere than in France. so when it's you, that's the same thing.

And again it's not just an excuse, because even in English it was not written that you had to capture that damn pokemon.


All this is just a lack of logic. I got myself simply because I have a logical mind and so I could not think of doing something that was completely incensed, stupid, not logical and without any sense.


Example all stupid that proves that you say:

just now I started the Johto area ... I went to a tower just before the first arena. There was a blue pokéball on the floor in this tower. I clicked on it, and I received DIRECTLY in my team a "gastly" lvl 5 ... I HAVE NOT HAD TO CAPTURE IT !!! OOOOOOOOH how weird, a blue pokéball on the floor, just like with Régice ...

So explain to me your logic to see? Or should I say to laugh? because in my opinion you will get me an excuse completely to shit ...


You are 100% wrong !!! 100% do you know what it means shit? it means wrong from "A" to "Z" !!!!!

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Hey there Stormofkiss.

I am sorry to hear that you feel frustrated about not being able to get Regice. However, you were still lucky to be given the chance to battle Regice after the event had ended. Unfortunately Shamac Claus was removed due to a bug with the npc that was exploited and not reported, and thus it's not possible to capture Regice now if you lost your chance to it. I am sorry to have to inform you of this. In the future for events, and when you try to obtain legendaries, I highly recommend asking around or looking for a guide to assist you so that way you can be properly prepared in the future.


Secondly, I would like to ask you to read the Forum Rules. Swearing, flaming, and toxicity are not allowed on our forums, and I would like to ask you to not do so in the future. I have gone ahead and edited your post to remove the profanity. English is the official language of PRO, you can read more about that here. That being said, I will now lock this topic, sorry that you lost your chance to get Regice, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.


Until we meet again.

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