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Heiach's Channel - I Don't *Just* Do Pokemon Videos! [2017 Channel Highlights]


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One of my viewers last night jokingly suggested I made a top 10 video on the Dratini I've caught while failing to catch the Xmas Dragonite, and well I did :P.


What do you guys think of joke Top 10's? I could do more serious ones as well, but here's my first top 10 as a taster.. it was made really quickly because well, it was a joke!






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omg cool video , but buy bms is worthy trust me :))


with one good/decent dratini with h.a you will get your money back anyway hehe.


Aah ty! I was just aiming for the xmas dratini I wasn't caring about IVs or Abilities really, at least initially :). Also doesn't the black medallion cost irl money? Not sure how I'd get that back in-game.



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I mean like, top pokemons you caught when you were not hunting. You caught them while just passing by a route


Oh right haha! That's happened more than a couple times over the last few years.. usually to one of my viewers chagrin. Like in Sinnoh a few months ago, I wandered by a route to carry on with the story and oh look, a Mime Jr! One of my viewers had spent a good 2-3 hours trying to get one of them!


Cool idea for a top 10, but I'm not too sure I could remember them all, least of all find the footage :S.



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