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Re: (6/12 Update) Christmas (+Event Poké List) Guide Demo.


<r><QUOTE author="carlho"><s>

</s><POST content="69974"><s></s>69974<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="haitheng"><s>
</s><POST content="69827"><s></s>69827<e></e></POST> route 11 only got stophouse 1F don't have stophouse 2F I can not find rock smash<e>


TM 114 Rock Smash:<br/>

1. Get it free with 30+ caught data from Oak aside @ route 11 stophouse 1F (below image as reference, I don't think this option banned from any updates <E>:Ambivalent:</E> )<br/>

<IMG src="https://s9.postimg.org/w5klm3pj1/114.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


2. Buy it 5k ea from black suit guy with johto 30+ caught data @ route 36<br/>

3. Dig it out from dig spots<e>



I'm very sure you can buy Rock Smash TM in Celadon Dept. Store.<br/>


It's just that, for whatever reason, it was placed along with support move TMs instead of the damage-dealing TMs.</r>

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Re: (6/12 Update) Christmas (+Event Poké List) Guide Demo.


<r><QUOTE author="Starlight"><s>

</s><POST content="69994"><s></s>69994<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="carlho"><s>
</s><POST content="69974"><s></s>69974<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="haitheng"><s>
</s><POST content="69827"><s></s>69827<e></e></POST> route 11 only got stophouse 1F don't have stophouse 2F I can not find rock smash<e>


TM 114 Rock Smash:<br/>

1. Get it free with 30+ caught data from Oak aside @ route 11 stophouse 1F (below image as reference, I don't think this option banned from any updates <E>:Ambivalent:</E> )<br/>

<IMG src="https://s9.postimg.org/w5klm3pj1/114.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


2. Buy it 5k ea from black suit guy with johto 30+ caught data @ route 36<br/>

3. Dig it out from dig spots<e>



I'm very sure you can buy Rock Smash TM in Celadon Dept. Store.<br/>


It's just that, for whatever reason, it was placed along with support move TMs instead of the damage-dealing TMs.<e>



oh nice! thanks for your additional info. This is much more useful <E>:Grin:</E></r>

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Re: (6/12 Update) Christmas (+Event Poké List) Guide Demo.


<r><QUOTE author="StabbedYa"><s>

</s><POST content="70927"><s></s>70927<e></e></POST> Is a member the same as vip?<e>


<B><s></s>NO<e></e></B>, VIP means the poke which only place you can get only... <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>

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my Pokémon Revolution Online Game Guide List


hi carlho

big fan of yours

please put a guide of how you get so much money :Question: :Grin: :thanks:

first of all i am not a newbie and iam going to complete johto(black thorn)

please answer if you can

and add me as your freind

your biggest fan


73793 hi carlho

big fan of yours

please put a guide of how you get so much money

first of all i am not a newbie and iam going to complete johto(black thorn)

please answer if you can

and add me as your freind

your biggest fan




ultimateash07 you can add me as friend anytime :Grin:


actually "how to earn money" is the 1st video which i want to made before

however, "Pay Day" doesn't work.

And the fastest way to make money is simply farming money in Dragon Den's wild poke.

So I give up to make this video guide.

74267 Thanks for the guide mate. By the way is there a end date for this event? Need to know how much time left I have to capture all this limited Pokemons :Grin:


Staff doesn't said that but I guess the last date of event is 31st Dec.

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