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where is i change my mind choice ????????


jaw fossil is tyrunt and sail fossil is amaura, tyrunt seems a good choice :Like:

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Hello Algerie31. It appears as if you've reported something in the wrong section, as you are not displaying a mapping bug in your screenshot provided.

The NPC in question gives you a chance to cancel out receiving a fossil after the part of the dialogue you have showed.

The fossil you are asking about is a definitive choice, once you have picked one it can not be changed. I hope this answers your question.


Good luck.


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Understood what you meant. Solved.


Announcements | Bug Reports | Update Log | Mapping


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

Please use proper forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed.

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A cancel option has been added by a Scripter. In-regards to the circumstances where in you haven't met the required fossil, do not worry, the script is built to handle such situations. Thank you for the report. Please follow proper forum when posting, next time.


Kindly report any bugs or glitches you will encounter in-game.

Please use proper forum when posting. Thanks!


Hey you...yes, you.The one who is reading this. You're going to be successful one day & make your parents proud. Have a great day buddy!

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