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i lost my shiny!!


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I roaming around cerulean cave when i met this shiny then the game suddenly collapse. I sended the screen shot. It didnt return back until the game automatic closes due it said im afk so it closes the game. error.PNGerror2.PNG


Hello :Angel:


PRO is still a live beta. So, crashes and rollbacks can happen any time. Unfortunately, you lost your shiny Psyduck forever.

Lost by crash issues:

Including disconnections and rollbacks

Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback?. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


You can't avoid server crashes which are experienced by everyone at the same time. But you can avoid crashes that are caused by your system.

To avoid them, follow the steps mentioned below:

Run the game in admin mode, windows 7 compability mode. Also add an exception to PRO to your antivirus if it's blocking or harming your game.


Crash issues or other issues:


Win7 Guide https://tinyurl.com/crashhelp

Win10 Crash Fix https://tinyurl.com/PROwin10fix

Android Guide https://tinyurl.com/androidprofix

Mac Guide https://tinyurl.com/macprofix

Linux/GNU Guide https://tinyurl.com/prognulinux

Cannot open PRO in Mac https://tinyurl.com/ProMacFix

PRO64_93_2.exe is not responding https://tinyurl.com/PRO64Fix


Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

1- Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

2- Disable anti-virus program

3- Restart computer


Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

1-The Unarchiver





Others solution:

Updated drive and reinstall Direct X


Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you Downloads(https://pokemonrevolution.net) the new client.


You generally become an AFK when you're away for a minute. If you're away for more than 7 minutes, you will be kicked out automatically from the server. So, to avoid this, don't stay away for too much of time if you're doing some quests, hunting etc.

I hope I could help you, best of luck!!

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Also just open you bag more often then you'll be able to avoid it in future. Usually when I have bag glitch I don't touch any button and it comes back in few moments



That is the famous bag glitch. To avoid it, you should be opening your bag every 5-10 minutes. This glitch doesn't happen with everyone, some experience this glitch. Here is some information about bag glitch:

Bag Glitch and Crash:


This glitch is caused when there was a change in your bag items from the last time to the first time you open that during a battle. When you click the bag during the battle the client will have a small crash (most of the times gets solved just by waiting a few moments) as it is updating the bag information.

The longer the time between each opening of the bag the longer the crash will be, players usually experience it when running from a lot of common battles whilst hunting for a rare pokemon.

To prevent this issue open the bag every 5-10 minutes in battle, as it will maintain your bag updated.


Never experienced it. But I know how it feels if the game crashes in between the game. If you wanna avoid those, you can view this topic which explains about the solutions we can try if we are experiencing glitches, crashes, problems etc. Good luck.

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Hello Musca,


I'm deeply sorry about the loss of your shiny Psyduck; I regret to inform you that we cannot refund or restore anything lost within a crash or rollback.

If you'd like more information regarding this decision, you can read more about it in our Issue Guide.


I believe the cause of this crash was due to the backpack glitch; you can read more about it here; I'll also quote it for reference:

This glitch is caused when there was a change in your bag items from the last time to the first time you open that during a battle. When you click the bag during the battle the client will have a small crash (most of the times gets solved just by waiting a few moments) as it is updating the bag information.


The longer the time between each opening of the bag the longer the crash will be, players usually experience it when running from a lot of common battles whilst hunting for a rare pokemon.


To prevent this issue open the bag every 5-10 minutes in battle, as it will maintain your bag updated.

In the future, especially when grinding or farming in areas for a long time, be sure to open up your backpack every so often so the likelihood of this incident happening again is lower.


Once again, I'm deeply sorry for this; however, nothing can be done. Since your case can not be furthered, I'll now lock this topic.





- Locked -



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