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Brock bug?


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Brock's Onix one hit my lvl12 Nidoran, and lvl 11 Mankey.



Sorry, not speak english, just little bit.


You may just need higher level pokes, there no reason for there to be a bug :)

Train your pokes a little bit (until level 15 perhaps) and try again :)

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Oh, thanks. Charmander. Bad choice, but I love he :D


Hey :Smile:


Go to Viridian Maze, and you can find an abandoned Bellsprout there. You can train it and defeat Brock.

Also, you can also find a free dragon rage tm in viridian maze. You can teach it Charmander and defeat Brock with these two mons.


Viridian maze map-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=6797

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Hi Nayal,


Since you've since defeated Brock, I'll now lock this topic.


Thank you and have a great rest of your week! :Angel:



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