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My Huntail's OT is blank even though I caught it as clamperl.


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Hi, I'm sorry you had this problem. I checked your trade logs and it looks like you traded the clamperl before it had its ID number assigned and still had 0 as it's ID. This is a well known issue and trading a pokemon before it has its ID number assigned does, a lot of the time, cause the ot to be whiped away. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do in cases like this and you will have to catch another clamperl as I assume you want it for the Hannah boss.


I can see on your trade logs that you've got a deep sea tooth so all I can suggest is to catch another one and to wait until it gets its ID number before trading it to evolve.


I will lock the thread as the post has been answered and I wish you luck with catching another.



Please do not contact staff for private support, post your question in the appropirate subforum as others may have the same problem.

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