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IV Reset


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There is an item called in pokemon games iv reset probably most of you know. My suggestion is bringing the item for coin shop. It may break the balances if you think that way because it's randomized to ivs.I want this item because of some very rare pokemons are really hard to find and even if you find them probably with the bad ivs. For example finding a gligar is really rare. And you can't find an immunity one easily. For me i caught 20+ gligars and not a single one had an immunity. So if i manage to find a gligar with my sync and with an immunity it would be probably bad with ivs. Searching for 3 days now and i lost my soul here. So this item maybe change something in game. Donations will be raised and pokemons are getting cheaper. That's only a thought though. Decision is yours. Thanks for your time and great works. Keep it up guys!

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