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Content system and suggestions


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I know I may be a little late for this, but here's a list of items you should report on the content side(report what I ask on this post unless I specifically say so) :

  1. Lack of content. Do you feel like there are parts of storyline missing/should be implemented in some areas of the game? Either content from handhelds or your own suggestion, post it down here, so it can be debated;
  2. Caps. At first, there were some NPCs that had the text like those ones from 1st Gen, with "Pokemon-themed" words in caps(like TRAINER, POKEBALL, etc.). Now, unless they mean strong emotions, they should be reported(on the usual NPC errors site https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=485);
  3. NPC Leveling. The name is self-suggesting. Too high/low for the area? Need some more battling NPCs on some maps? Report/suggest here, but keep in mind that this is a MMO, so a higher level of difficulty is expected;
  4. Dialogues. Too boring, too little, too complex?


That's it for now, will edit if there are more ideas on the way.




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Some suggestions,please dont kill me. xD

1. i am now in Ecruteak City in johto and i didnt find my rival yet. Only saw a dude staring in lab in new bark town. Would be nice if you could implement a rival for johto.

2.When i got to Goldenrod city my croconaw was 27.(only one i trained) . and the team rocket members in goldenrod underground basement had lvl 29-32 pokemon. i think they are a bit overleveled.

If other people will train more pokemon till this city, their pokemon will be so low compared to team rocket guys.

well after i defeated those guys(with using bunch of potions) my feraligater got to 37.

After that the Goldenrod GYM is so easy to beat.And the trainers on next route(35) are having pokemon 22-30.

i dont get it why team rockets pokemon are way stronger than the Gyms and next trainers on route 35 and in natinal park. Unless its ment to be so to lvl your lvl 20s pokemon faster for the gym and so on.


With kanto i am pretty happy. Nice NPCs(some are bit challanging,thats nice),strong elite 4 is really nice and challanging.

1.But i kinda miss that A.hole Jackson( not really xD). Last time you meet him in Saffron city in that Silph building,but he just runs away. You could add him for 1 more match after you beat 8th gym or before you enter Pokemon league,so you can finish him for good >:D hue hue *evil grin*

2. COuld you change the NPCs pokemon on route 13 for some stronger ones? Some use bunch of pidgeys and other evo 1 pokemon. Would be nice if they were a bit stronger.


The game is really fun and some parts are challanging.

With above suggestions i dont mean any harm, just a though i had to make some parts of game a bit more exciting.

still need to discover half of johto too see if its enjoyable :)

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1. Lack of content:


Nearly all of the NPCs which sell the players TMs are really boring: "Do you want to buy [enter move name here]?"


This is an excellent place to add storyline/content/quests.


Why does THIS NPC offer THIS move?


Not every NPC should have a wall of text, but they're kinda bland in their current state.


Sig created by Annazhee

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OK: i finished now the johto region and became Champion for the 2nd time xD hehe.

i would like to express my opinion about the rest of the advneture i had.

This is not suppose to be a complaining or bishing post, if someone will think about it. Just posting my opinion about stuff with no bad intentions.

So oke lets begin ^_^


I only had my Totodile with me,so i could progress faster and see how the difficulty is.. He was full EV trained 252 speed 252 attack 6 Hp since start of my adventure. Until Goldenrod city everythign was fine,but i said in my previous post already about team rocket and next route to earthquake ,what i though about it.

Until Olivine city everything is oke,but stuff kinda slow down from here really fast. My Feraligator was around lvl 50 when i challanged Chuck from the 5th gym and around lvl 55 at 6th Gym. there are a lot of lvl 30 pokemon around Whirl islands where people can lvl pokemon if they cant beat those 2 gyms. But the problem starts from here.


After you defeat those 2 gym, you will have to go to road east from Ecruteak city and NPC use lvl 60 pokemon here. my feraligator was 59 at that time. i didnt have much problems while using potions, but if ppl will have biger teams, their pokemon will be really underlvled and might have problems those trainers. The grass around this area and north from Mahogany Town ahve pokemon around lvl 15. Thats kinda low in my opinion since most npc have lvl 60 pekemon. And my sense kinda tells me that Gym also uses lvl 60+ from here on. thatsa pretty big jump in lvls kinda.

I had little problems here, but just used revives a lot and potions in battle. But i am thinking here more about people with more pokemon in their team. This could take really a lot of time to lvl their low pokemon in that grass with low lvl encounters.

After i beat the 7th gym,east from Mahogany Town, NPC still used lvl 60s pokemon , while the grass area around there was still around 15.

8th gym was at least for feraligater easy,since he lvled to around 75 and had ice fang.I think her pokemon were around lvl 65-70 with at least how much they hit. But if you lose here, you can go to Dragons den where the wild pokemon are around 50-55. this can help you lvl really fast, since my feraligater got around 30k per exp per fight. So if you lvl your pokemon to around 50,you should have problems lvling here.


Johto elite4 was pretty easy with my feraligater lvl 82. i didnt grind to lvl him.this was his lvl at end of my adventure.

Mt.Silver had kinda low lvl 45 pokemon compared to Dragons den that were in their 50s. I kinda think the lvls shold be switched from Mt.silver to Dragons den, since i dont know why having higher lvl pokemon before getting last badge, and getting lower lvl pokemon after becoming the champion.


I dont know if lvls are ment to be like that for those lvl 60 trainers and wild pokemon all in their 15s in 2nd part of your adventure(from 4badges on). If it is, just ignore my post then xD

But compared to kanto, you had many spots to lvl your team, not beeing dependent on NPC. kanto had like: Digletts cave, Surfing and fightng lvl 30 pokemons, Cinebar manshon and Victory road at end (at least my faveourite spots)

Johto had mostly only lvl 15s grass, that lvl 30 spot around Whirl islands and Dragons den at end. This is just kinda my consern on people with big pokemon team.


A tester told me that you guys are stil debating what TMs to put in Johto Gyms to buy, so i wont ask why the hell they didnt sell anything haha xD.


The game is really fun, nice challange at some moments and can't wait to play it with full team of 6 pokemons at release(specialy in Johto fighting those 60 NPCs xD)

I hope ths post is somehow useful , or just delete it xD

Will check tomorrow Johto again if i missed something ^_^

Dont mind my english,wireless keyboard misses tons of letters, hpefuly its understandable. Suck at explaining XD

sorry for this wall of text ._.

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I didn't get a clear answer from staff, but us testers have determined that whenever Pokemon is used, it is used with a capital "P" and nothing else capitalized. There are hundreds (I kid you not) of NPCs that have this error, I reported every one through 10 badges so far and still working on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Breeding


<r><QUOTE author="RougePanda"><s>

</s>Good luck gaining players with no breeding, I was so hyped to play until I read that. Breeding is a big mechanic for PvP which is a big part of Pokemon and most MMO's. Just farming pokemon until the IV's are high enough has around over 1/1000 chance of even happening (25+ all IV's) the breeding mechanic was to be able to get inaccessible baby pokemon and to make pokemon stronger from the ones bred and so on. Not having a breeding mechanic while so many other Pokemon MMO's have them will make this game more of a frustrating grind fest than riding your bike for about 20 mins to get a better pokemon with a certain guarantee even having a +3/-6 rule on the breeding will be good enough. By this I mean the egg find the medium IV of both parents and then gets a +3/-6 rule on the stat making it possible to get better IV's and eventually be able to get good pokemon instead of spending 5 hours waiting for a pokemon with the right nature, IV's and ability the chances are too slim and it's ridiculous not to have breeding in pokemon.<e>


you already made your own post about that word by word. There is no reason to Copy and paste it here. <E>:Grin:</E></r>

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