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Discord Giveaway

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What is your Discord tag?


- Gigimon#8240


How often do you use Discord?


-Im on it every single day. Though I do not post much Im usually just creeping around reading what others says or using the RebornBot.

If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?


- Maybe a Rating Channel/Suggestions channel? Though the 2nd will probably be flood with nonsensical ideas some people may post a great idea or two. Maybe an Event channel that's only open during events so people may discuss said event there and give tips/pointers. Another suggestion is maybe a a Channel to post up funny chat logs (like screenshots of people posting funny stuff in chat whether its just something silly, nothing R rated). Maybe a channel to report bugs wouldn't be so bad either.


To be honest the Discord right now is really perfect and doesn't need much change.

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What is your Discord tag?




How often do you use Discord?


Everyday !


If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?


A chan to learn every rules (mecanics, vocabulary...) to be a good pvp player would be awesome !

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What is your Discord tag?



How often do you use Discord?

I have it open whenever my computer's on, but I don't use it much.


If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?

The link to the PRO Game Rules in the server's rules channel seems to redirect to a page with a 404 error, fixing that could improve the server.

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What is your Discord tag? Kikesiders955 # 0175

How often do you use Discord? frequently to update me of the news that we have

If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? In my opinion, this discord is perfect. I do not think it can be improved any more since I've had a lot of congratulations. They have done a good job and they have brought us a great game.

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What is your Discord tag? [@Shadowolfi#7496]


How often do you use Discord?

I use it everyday.


If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion

Well I'm not active on the PRO's Discord Server but I wish we could have the useful link channel again with the new forums up and maybe hold more discord events!

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