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The stubborn Pokemon bug.


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I have been experiencing a issue when trying to catch Pokemon for a while now, at first I thought nothing of it, I assumed I just had bad luck......until now.

The problem is that sometimes it seems that a pokemons hp and condition status does not get factored in properly when trying to catch a pokemon.

I have noticed that once a common pokemon does not get caught with the first few balls, then that pokemon will refuse to be caught for a extremely long time, so much so that it defies chance and reason. The reason I think its hp and condition does not regrister properly is due to the pokemon being caught easily right after using false swipe a second time (even though it was already at 1 hp from the prior false swipe).


So i decided to do some test, I found that there is definitely something strange going on.


I went to a location that was filled with nido's around level 10-12'ish. I false swipe them and then proceed to chunk pokeballs at them. usually they get caught in the first 1-2 balls, but, at other times, after not getting caught on the first few tries, they will refuse to be caught no matter what, for example, I encounter a nido thats lvl 10, i false swipe it, it goes down to 1 hp, i chunk 20 normal pokeballs at it, still not caught, i then chunk 20 great balls, still not caught, i then chunk 10 ultraballs, still not caught, I then use false swipe one more time...nothing happens (because its already at 1 hp) and sure enough, it get caught on the very first normal pokeball that was thrown after the 2nd false swipe.


This is not only with nidos either, its the same with all other pokemon as well...what really triggered me was when I encountered a beldum in the saffari, I understand beldum has low catch rate, I hunt them all day long, on average it will take about 20-60 normal pokeballs to catch a sleeping beldum, 20-50 great balls and about 10-40 ultras. I hunt them all day and i have a pages in my pc filled with beldums, so I am very used to how much it takes to catch them. so, this last beldum i caught was effected by this bug, I had to let it reduce its own hp to 1-10 with its own recoil damage ( false swipe would end up with him killing itself with take down) after 30 ultra's I took a risk and decided to put it to sleep, use false swipe and hope it didnt wake up until i could switch my gengar back out.

i then used my gengar to put it to sleep everytime it woke up, that thing had like 1hp left, and yet it took me 350 normal pokeballs, 243 great balls and 289 ultra balls before I caught it.......the only reason I even caught it was because I decided to risk it again and use falseswipe on it for a second time (even though it already had only 1 hp)

and sure enough, right after the second false swipe it was caught....i proceeded to test this bug and it seems to happen very often, not sure what triggers this bug but it is for sure something wrong here.

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very interesting

every time I catch beldum is like your 2nd case

used 60-240 ultra balls or great balls

all of my friends too

I never use pokeball because I had experience of wasting 250+ pokeballs but still didn't get it

so to me, I thought it is normal to use 150+ ultra balls to catch a beldum because of its catch rate

I never have problem on catching any other poke

maybe that's the reason why I can't discover this mechanic


could you describe in details how you catch beldum using 20-60 pokeballs?

like what are the steps

which pokes do you use

and could you test how many turn affected by false swipe while farming beldum?


ps. shedinja is the only ghost poke that can learn false swipe

I use it to catch poke with recoil damage move

Edited by hahahaka
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I been meaning to find a nincada to hunt beldums, would make life so much easier.


anyway, there is a method i use to encounter beldums easier, its the repel trick, I will explain in case you are not familiar with it.


have your lead sync pokemon be exactly level 33 (I use a ada kadabra) but you may use which ever sync you prefer as long as its lvl 33.

buy a bunch of super repels ( any repels works but I found that super repels are most cost efficient). I pop my super repels into my #3 quickslot and then set my key binding for #3 slot to be my "Q" key ( this makes it easier and quicker to use repels since going in and out of the backpack to use a item gets annoying after the 200th time o.0)

when I encounter a beldum, I switch out my lvl 34 gengar, I use my gengar to get its hp decently low and then I proceed to take turns switching out other pokemon so that his take-down attacks recoil widdles his hp down to as low as I feel needed.(usually about 1-10hp) you can probally skip this whole step since you have a shedinja.


from this point, I use my gengar to keep it asleep while I throw normal pokeballs at it. they usually get caught with only 20-60 balls.sometimes it takes a little more, maybe 70ish normal balls, but 80% of the time they get caught before I even use 60 normal balls. and 60 normal balls is so much cheaper then using greats and ultra balls....soooo much cheaper. and when you consider all the repels you have to buy along with the safarri fee, it all adds up really, really fast.


I suggest using falseswipe a couple extra times if the beldum is refusing to be caught after a considerable attempts, I found that even using false swipe while it sleeps helps the game update/regrister the pokemons status. so in a nut shell, when you encounter this problem, simply try all sorts of things you can think of to try and force the mechanics of the game to check and or update a pokemons status and condition. also, before you begin your hunt, make sure you switch your lead pokemon a couple times ( this ensures the game regristers your proper sync pokemon, and on rare occasions you may find that your lead pokemon will not switch out no matter what you do, you will have to relog to fix this. ( i learned this the hard way when I was wondering why the repel trick wasnt working, I quickly learned none of my pokemon would switch positions in my party, and I also could not leave the zone of the safarri i was in, i was forced to relog log....the game still allowed me to use like 25 super repels before I figured out what was going on lol.)

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