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Well before you say "no it wont happen" please listen to my story


Initially in the gen 6 games suicune was issued with "Inner Focus" Hidden ability, through multiple sources, serebii/smogon, so i didnt want inner focus so i didnt buy a black MS before catching my suicune, then out of no where in gen 7 with the release of crystal in VC they changed it to water absorb wtf? obviously i would want water absorb over pressure and seeing how you only get 1 legend per game, i would like to suggest a reroll in ability just for legends, otherwise its completely unfair that i have to switch out against another suicune with my own already in play. Its a big advantage when you have already a calm mind set up and I defeinitely will not restart PRO and do 750 hrs + and fulfill my dex again just for roll for a hidden ability.

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Uuuuuh, I think you got it backwards. According to both Bulbapedia and Serebii, Suicune had Hidden Ability Water Absorb in generation 5 and 6, then was switched to Inner Focus in generation 7.


I wouldn't say that it wouldn't happen. You only have one try at capturing a legendary pokemon, so that's why they've made IV reroll tickets, and lately Nature reroll tickets (was it the other way around?) available. So I would say abilities would eventually happen.


However, the problem with abilities is that the current Reroll ticket format simply won't work. Most legendaries can only have one ability, and those that do have a second ability have it as a Hidden ability, so 5% chance of happening (without BMS). You wouldn't want a ticket to be wastable on a Legendary with no HA, and those who do, well you'd have a 95% chance of nothing happening.


Instead, I'd see an NPC, much like the Pre-evolution move tutor, that first checks if your legendary pokemon is eligible for ability switching, then asks for a Ability change ticket -Far more pricey than the reroll tickets- before switching the ability. The ability switching chance would be 100% success rate, and be the same cost even if you go from H.A to normal ability.


On a side note, out of all the legendary pokemons catchable at one point in PRO, there's only Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Regice and Heatran. So I feel like the priority would be very low right now.


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I have no idea why you are actually complaining about getting Pressure.Water Absorb is a BAD ability for suicune,as it doesnt help it beat anything.Pressure lets you pp stall your opponents and makes you able to win 1v1 against Jellicent and stuff.You got the best ability,just saying.


Coming back on the actual subject,Its interesting,getting a flame body heatran really sucks for example,I like this idea.

Married to Shaymin



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because if a suicune has a +6 calm mind out i can lock him in, because scald is suicunes main move, if im a +6 calm mind i have to switch out if a suicune comes into me, if it isnt a problem, then might as well release ability change for legends since that shouldnt be a problem either, its not like it will change the game in anyway but we should have the option to change our legend abilities since we only get 1 in the game after hours and hours of gametime.

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