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I was battling Battling Shamac on Thursday that time the servers went down due to merge I think, after I logged in I had lost to him can you please restore it.Thank you[ATTACH=full]11099[/ATTACH]



Unfortunately we can not restore boss cooldowns. Since this game is still in Beta, rollbacks and crashes are unfortunately an occasional occurence. Server stability is being constantly worked on, but sadly a rollback might still happen from time to time.

As for scheduled maintenance, the easiest way to keep track of those is to join PRO Discord. Usually there is also an ingame warning. Incase of an announced maintenance, make sure to not start any bossfights after maintenance was announced.

Apologies for the inconvenience, please try to be more cautious about fighting bosses and be on lookout for any maintenance announcements in order to avoid a situation like this in the future,


Have a nice day!

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