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This is nothing major and important and by all means, it can wait! I know you guys have a lot of questions going on with the merge, so please take your time on getting to this one!




I was just curious as to what the rules on bumping a thread were. ^^ I try to do mine, at most, once a day so it isn't spammy to the other threads around me, but I was kind of hesitant about it to begin with because I could never find a clear rule or post about it. ^^ I know it's a silly and, probably, self-explanatory question but I like being sure about things rather then not knowing. I've looked around in the rules in other threads for something stating a bump policy, but I've been unable to find it. It could, very well be that I overlooked it, and if so I apologize! :RowletHeart:


Thank you guys, in advance. ^^ I was just curious about a pretty simply question.

Edited by Mafi



© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

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Hi there


There are no threads stating anything about a bumping policy nor is there anything about bumping in the rules.

There is only one place where it states that you can bump your topic once every 24 hours, and that is in the Appeal Subforum.

3. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours. Spamming or appealing your ban outside of the appeal center may result in the denial of your appeal.


As CheefSweetLeef said, it can be seen as common courtesy to bump once every 24 hours, to not spam, and to keep things clean.


With this said, I wish you a good day!


Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team


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- Nebulas

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I'll now lock this topic.


Have a nice weekend!


Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team


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DO NOT contact Staff Members for private support.

Share your questions on the Forums as they can be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be thrown into the abyss. Thanks!

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- Nebulas

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