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I interacted with the Easter egg in Route 25 in Kanto before speaking to the Egg Maniac Yossi to receive the event quest.


I then got the Easter quest by speaking to the Egg Maniac and went back to the Easter egg in Route 25 in Kanto.

And i was unable to interact with the egg at all. There was not any message box at all, just like interacting as if nothing was there.


I have tried relogging in, pressing the refresh button, and even using a different device to log into my account.


Currently i have collected every eggs and have received my rewards apart from the final 8th egg on Kanto in which i am stuck with and am unable to collect the egg.




Hi there,


Sorry for the inconveniences. I've checked your variables and it seems you only managed to collect seven out of eight eggs scattered across Kanto region. I will have to ask you to talk to the Egg Maniac again and then retrace your steps to try to collect each of the eggs again(only in Kanto region) just to make sure that you did not miss any of them. Quoted from Easter Egg Hunt Guide:


[spoiler=Kanto Locations]

Route 1



Mount Moon





Rock Tunnel




Route 7



Route 16



Route 25



Viridian City



Viridian Maze:





Once you have done all that, speak to Egg Maniac again and do let me know what is the result. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards,



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Thanks for the response.


I have spoken to the Egg Maniac and have interacted with all other eggs again (except for the one in Route 25, shown in the attached JPG).

Unfortunately i have still only got 7 eggs collected apart from the egg in Route 25.

The responses in the message box were all about that i have collected them and shouldn't collect the same egg twice.


As shown in the picture, i have tried to interact with the egg in Route 25 ,

but there isn't even an message box popped up saying as if the egg is collected or not.

It is just like a normal rock, or a tree.




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