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Since I last played PRO has moved from Blue, Red and Yellow... to Gold and Silver. In the process it seems my account has been deleted:ChikoritaWTF:


I played PokemonRevolutionOnline for about 350 hours under the name DrNerfariouz. You can see from my post history I had played since summer last year. I've purchased from the game before and I have grinded quite a lot. I have over 400 unique Pokemon caught and have about 30 level 100 Pokemon with 2,000,000 PokeDollars. I completed all of Kanto, Johto and Hoenn as well as unlocking Sinnoh.


On the name DrNerfariouz I had an account on all 3 servers. My main account which was CONSIDERABLY further ahead of the other 2 was on the blue server. When I log into the name DrNerfariouz it only lets me go on the Silver server and the account just has 4 Pokemon and 0 badges. Please tell me my account has not been deleted.




Edited by DrNerfariouz

- DrNerf

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Hi there


As indicated by the title of this topic and the data on your account, you've already used the merge steps to merge your account.

[spoiler=Merge steps]

Red and Blue server have merged into the Silver Server...

Follow the merge steps to succesfully merge your account.

How to merge:

[spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button:



[spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!


In your case, you would have to select the Blue Server as your main account.

if you have some errors while doing the merge, please do check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ.


As your problem has been resolved, I'll now lock this topic.

With this said, I wish you a good day!


Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team


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DO NOT contact Staff Members for private support.

Share your questions on the Forums as they can be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be thrown into the abyss. Thanks!

Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team

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