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Please help, I can`t login to my account


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Hi, I have a problem. I had an account where I was a Hoenn champion. It was on Blue server. Today I wanted to log in but I couldn`t, so I uninstalled PRO apk and downloaded it again. Then I tryed to log in on silver server and it sent me a message that I wrote wrong password or username, I tried to log in on gold server and I logged in but I was in the start. Please could you help me ? I`d like to play on my old account and not to start over again. Thanks

PS: I reset my password but I can`t still log in to my old account.

Edited by Derizia
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Hi Derizia, Red & Blue server have merged into Silver Server, if you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue account, follow these steps to merge your account, make sure to select the right server as your main server!


How to merge:

[spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button:




[spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!



If you have some errors while doing the merge, check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ.

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