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Ecruteak's Ghosts


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1. Where are you from?

R: Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil

2.What's your favorite type and Pokémon?

R: Ice , Glaceon

3. What are your ambitions in PRO?

R:I want it all evolved eevee top IVS/EVS Digger4Glory

4. Do you have any friend in the guild?


5: 5. Why you should join us?

R:I'm a good boy , like to help , especially beginners , and has many qualities that will be useful for the growth of the alliance =3[image]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/5676_936642723082540_3192184388961205698_n.jpg?oh=3fe747aa24831def93a1b98a0626ece8&oe=571EB558&__gda__=1461312995_cef12f4c5b3b05537fecc1c5923ea527[/image]

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1. Where are you from?

r: Itabuna / Bahia/ Brazil

2. What's your favorite type and Pokémon?

r: Ice , (Glaceon)

3. What are your ambitions in PRO?

r: All Eevee and evolutions ToP Ivs/Evs

4. Do you have any friend in the guild?

r: Digger4Glory

5. Why you should join us?

r:I am a great guy, and I have qualities that will be useful to the union


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1. Where are you from? Açores, São Miguel, Ribeira Quente


2. What's your favorite type and Pokémon? Fire (Charizard/Charizard X)


3. What are your ambitions in PRO? To be the best of all and have fun with players in battle ;)


4. Do you have any friend in the guild? Victor100


5. Why you should join us? Because you are all for me ;)

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1. Where are you from? Brazil


2. What's your favorite type and Pokémon? water, greninja


3. What are your ambitions in PRO? become pvp master


4. Do you have any friend in the guild? No


5. Why you should join us? because I have my team mounted and need only a good guild

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