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Hey [glow=red]everyone[/glow],


my name is [glow=red]Kittylicious[/glow] aka. [glow=red]Kittieh[/glow], I'm 28 years old and I grew up with [glow=red]Pokemon[/glow]. :p

I haven't played any of the games "younger" than Yellow version, but I still love it. And I also get lost pretty often, since it's been a while that I played [glow=red]Pokemon[/glow]. =P

I'm somewhat [glow=red]helpful[/glow], which might be the reason, that I'm quiet "known" in Help-Channel. :D


NO, I'm [glow=red]not[/glow] Peacekitty, but still a helpful [glow=red]Kittieh[/glow] :D :Heart-eyes:


:Heart: PRO


So... Cya around in Kanto/Johto or even in Help-Channel :Angel:

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[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

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