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so now u deleted my post? [LOCKED]


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Dear Astraea, i know its u that deleted my post, but np my friend. im not a hacker but with money all its possible, and u are that shame of person that looks like a kid with 15 years old that cant finish a conversation to try to resolve one problem and where u just used random excuses with teleports ( that print that u send me and didnt even let me explain what why i was there, that house its like 2 seconds from te pokecenter in cinnabar and i was there to to trade the fossil that i found watching it on youtube, not teleporting or cheating or whatever u say got it child?) im have prints of all of mine posts and our conversation so no problem. Now, if u will delet this one too or ignore it again, i will just let u know that this site and your game will pay for that because of your negative attitude, deleting my posts and of for your own bugs of your anticheat ok? so, im here doing it for the 3rd and last time, being a good person, asking for help and now only with the true admin to resolve my problem. if this do not happen until tomorrow, get ready for the worst....remember...money can do a lot of stuffs...and i will do nothing....but someone can do it for me. BTW and for the last time too...sorry for my english. Waiting for a good conversation.

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This board isn't the place for appealing. I recommend taking your time making an appeal in regards for your suspension in the correct board. I'll post the link below.



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Please take the time to review the forums before looking for guidance. If you find your answer, make sure to share your knowledge to other users to help the community.

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As per the General Support subforum rules:

2. Do not report players or appeal bans here.


If you do not know why you were banned, or want to check the length, check the Dashboard first. If you feel like your ban is unjust, you can make an appeal here. May I remind you that outcome of an appeal is final. If you think that you have been mistreated, you can make a post in the general complaint area here and someone from the higher up will investigate it further. Therefore, I'll now lock this topic as you have been suspended.


Best regards,



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Do not contact staff members for private support. Please use the appropriate channel as it might be of help to others.


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