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Blue Expérience Bar Level 100 [SOLVED]


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I know it's a detail, but is there a way for a pokemon lvl 100 to have a full of blue experience bar (like when a pokemon is near to change level) ?

I used rare candy on my pokemon lvl 99 and the blue experience bar stayed little...


Thx for your response..

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I know it's a detail, but is there a way for a pokemon lvl 100 to have a full of blue experience bar (like when a pokemon is near to change level) ?

I used rare candy on my pokemon lvl 99 and the blue experience bar stayed little...


Thx for your response..


Hello there! Unfortunately, you cannot have a full bar of experience when your pokemon is level 100. As you know, level 100 is the max level of a pokemon therefore it cannot gain more exp than what it already has. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you understand.


Hope this helps and have a great day!


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Glad I've helped answer your question. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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